Movies by Gilbert M. Anderson

Broncho Billy and the Bandits

Broncho Billy and the Bandits

Jim Matthews, express agent in Red Rock, Arizona, and his daughter Alice, are watching anxiously over the bedside of Mrs. Matthews, who is very ill. An express box of money is now left by the stage and Matthews is ordered to guard it overnight. The "Arizona Kid," a notorious bandit, who has followed the stage and watched while they left the box, now gallops back to the rendezvous of his pals, tells them of the easy chance to rob the office and they start at once. Meanwhile Alice has sent her father for a doctor and is all alone with her sick...

Broncho Billy and the Western Girls

Broncho Billy and the Western Girls

Evelyn and Irene Courteny, through the helplessness of their father, who is a cripple, are given charge of the general store and post office. A large bag of gold with registered letters, etc., are delivered by the mail carrier on day. Dick Lee, a notorious outlaw, sees the delivery of the valuable bag. That night, with a gang, Lee breaks into the post office and would have carried off the treasure, had not Evelyn escaped through a back window, mounted her horse, and rode away. One of the men sees her, however, and the three go in pursuit. Ir...

Broncho Billy and the Baby

Broncho Billy and the Baby

Billy rescues a child and returns her to her mother. When the husband returns and discovers that the savior of his child is a wanted outlaw, he's faced with a moral crisis.

Why Broncho Billy Left Bear County

Why Broncho Billy Left Bear County

Through a kindly act Broncho Billy earns the deep gratitute of Marion Rivers, who presents him with a Bible. Not long afterwards, she comes upon him as he is about to hold up the stage, but at sight of the girl he is overwhelmed with shame and taking out the little Bible promises her that he will live honorably. In the meantime, Marion's father holds up the stage at another point, and one of the stagecoach drivers, mounting a bareback pony, rides off for the sheriff. Broncho Billy sees Rivers get away with the money, and when he hears the sh...

The Border Ranger

The Border Ranger

Dan Coughlin, a ranger, comes upon a band of smugglers and succeeds in capturing one of them, a half-breed Mexican, "Easy" Joe by name. Joe is taken to headquarters and locked up, while all efforts to wring a confession from him as to the whereabouts of the band's rendezvous have failed. It is not long, however, before the others of the gang make an effort to liberate their pal and send an Indian to spy upon Dan and other members of the troupe.

Broncho Billy's Christmas Dinner

Broncho Billy's Christmas Dinner

It's Christmas, and a young woman is on her way to celebrate the holidays with her parents. A group of drunk cowboys startle her horses making her wagon, with the woman on it, speed off. By chance Broncho Billy saves her life and the grateful girl invites him over for Christmas dinner. Little does he know that the young lady is the Sheriff's daughter…

A Cowboy's Mother-in-Law

A Cowboy's Mother-in-Law

Nellie Blair, the niece of a wealthy ranchman, and an orphan, comes in make her home with her uncle, and shortly after her arrival finds that the whole "Circle A" outfit, every manjack on the place, is in love with her.

Under Mexican Skies

Under Mexican Skies

Pasquale, half Mexican, secures work on the ranch of old Fowler. Fowler has a pretty daughter, Vedah, who teaches the district school. Pasquale meets the girl on several occasions and falls in love with her. She repulses his attentions and tries to show him his error in loving her, but Pasquale is determined and, one day, rides to the schoolhouse after the children are dismissed. Finding Vedah alone he again renews his attentions and is on the point of taking her in his arms when she holds aloft a crucifix and, terror-stricken, Pasquale hurr...

The Doctor's Duty

The Doctor's Duty

Dr. Roland White falls in love with Marguerite, the daughter of the postmaster in a small western town. He asks her to marry him, but she refuses, as she is already engaged to Fred Church, the express messenger. Some time later, after the proposal, the doctor receives an invitation to the wedding of Church and Marguerite, which shatters what little hope he had of ever winning the girl. A few days before the marriage is to take place. Church is held up and shot by bandits, and taken, in a serious condition, to Dr. White's home.

Broncho Billy's Elopement

Broncho Billy's Elopement

Robert Johnson tries to influence his daughter, Mary, to marry Dave Morgan, much against her wishes. Broncho Billy outwits the determined father, elopes with the charming Mary and makes her his wife.

Broncho Billy's Last Hold-Up

Broncho Billy's Last Hold-Up

A girl helps Broncho Billy to hide when the sheriff comes looking for him. When a while later he finds her and her mother unconscious, he holds up a stagecoach to bring them to a doctor. The sheriff, still on Billy's track, shoots him in front of the doctor's practice.

The Cowboy Coward

The Cowboy Coward

Henry and Steve, two "bunkies" on the "LL" ranch, are in love with Katie, their employer's daughter. While she likes Steve the best, she feels she cannot accept him because of his craving for gambling. Cash Wilkins, a bully, insults Steve, whereat he receives a good thrashing, and Wilkins, to get even, insults Katie and steals a small revolver that she carries with her. He then sends a note to Katie, that if she wants the gun back to send Henry for it. Henry is afraid of the bully and frightenedly tells Steve that he is afraid he must lose K...

Broncho Billy and the Rustler's Child

Broncho Billy and the Rustler's Child

David Morgan, a cowpuncher, is informed by Doctor Harding that the former's wife is in a serious condition and must be taken from the high altitude. An Indian horse thief shows David a way to make some money easy. That night, the Indian and the cowpuncher steal two horses. The Indian is captured by Broncho Billy, the sheriff, and squeals on Morgan. Dorothy, the cowpuncher's child, informs her father that a posse is coming up the road. Morgan instructs his child to say nothing to the men concerning his whereabouts. The cowpuncher crawls into ...

His Wife's Secret

His Wife's Secret

A burglar enters a darkened house to rob. A young wife, home alone, phones her husband at the club, begging him to come home. He returns stinking drunk and the decent-hearted burglar must intervene.

The Face at the Curtain

The Face at the Curtain

The Man, down on his luck, breaks into the home of a wealthy clubman to burglarize the place. The sudden dropping of a book which the man has displaced, arouses the wife who has been sitting up waiting for her husband. Ignorant of the fact that there is a burglar in the house, she telephones her husband at the club and asks him to come home. He refuses to do so until he is ready. When he arrives home, he is intoxicated. Her refusal to kiss him sends him into a drunken rage. He mistreats her. The Man has watched the whole domestic tragedy. He...

When Love and Honor Called

When Love and Honor Called

Broncho Billy is sent on a secret mission to a small Arizona town. There he meets a beautiful girl, Elizabeth Barton, who is betrothed to a handsome daredevil, Juan Martin, of the Bar-O Ranch. Broncho is given a job by the foreman, George Chisholm. At a dance Martin and another cow-puncher quarrel. Martin draws his gun but Broncho Billy interferes. Martin is enraged and attempts to shoot Broncho. He takes the gun from him, takes the cartridges out and hands it back. Martin plots with the cook and other members of the outfit to poison the cof...

Broncho Billy's Double Escape

Broncho Billy's Double Escape

Broncho Billy, an outlaw, while being pursued by the sheriff of Bear County, crosses the line into Gulch County. Later he is captured by the Gulch County authorities, who wire to the neighboring sheriff's office to send a man to bring the prisoner back. A deputy sheriff is sent and that night they stop at a small hotel. Broncho and the deputy become quite friendly and Broncho induces him to remove his handcuffs. While Broncho Billy sleeps the deputy steals downstairs and enters a card game. He loses heavily. He returns to the room and tells ...

The Tell-Tale Hand

The Tell-Tale Hand

Tim Cantle, an evil-looking fellow, is drinking at a bar. The saloonkeeper's daughter enters, and Tim, slightly tipsy, tries to kiss her. She struggles to escape him. Broncho Billy enters and draws his gun. Tim flees. Tim gets his horse and rides away. As he approaches a house on a hill nearby, he sees Annie Fargo run out of her home, her father cursing her. Tim seizes and kisses her. She strikes him in the face and screams. Her father then comes out and drives Tim away. He sends Annie back into the house, following her with his gun. Tim swe...

Andy of the Royal Mounted

Andy of the Royal Mounted

Andy of the Royal Mounted and another trooper are both in love with a little school teacher, who shows the light of knowledge to the children of the settlers in a tiny Canadian hamlet. The school teacher favors Andy's suit and the other trooper is correspondingly despondent. He loses gracefully because Andy is his best friend, but his trouble preys on him. He goes into a saloon, gets drunk and is caught by his colonel and discharged from the service. Later, he shoots a gambler in a brawl and while making his getaway, rescues the school teach...

The Outlaw's Awakening

The Outlaw's Awakening

The Outlaw, preparing to rob the stage, receives a letter from his wife, telling him to lead a good life for the sake of her and his baby, and informing him that he may expect them any time. Filled by remorse, he refuses to accompany his companions on their hold-up. As he rides away, he sees a sign offering clemency to the unknown robber if he will give up his gun. He seeks out the sheriff, surrenders the gun and goes on his way. But the stage is held up and the pursuing posse arrests him. Rendered desperate, he makes his escape and prepares...