Movies by Gilbert M. Anderson

Broncho Billy's Jealousy

Broncho Billy's Jealousy

Broncho Billy had promised Marguerite that he would never drink again. She agreed to marry him. That afternoon, one of the village gossips sees Marguerite with Boy Turner, a surveyor, and hastens to inform Broncho of it. Marguerite's sweetheart threatens to kill the surveyor, but finally suggests a duel to be fought ten minutes later. Marguerite hears of it, hastens to the minister's home, where she gets him and takes him to Kelly's saloon.

Broncho Billy and the Gambler

Broncho Billy and the Gambler

Broncho Billy, an express rider, is married to Stasia Wynn, daughter of Grant Wynn. John Mackey, a gambler, comes to town and Wynn loses all his money to him. Broncho Billy buys his wife a scarf pin, which her father steals and loses to the gambler. Mackey is caught cheating and is driven from town.

Broncho Billy Puts One Over

Broncho Billy Puts One Over

Broncho Billy is a foreman on Roger Newman's ranch and is in love with his daughter, Mae. Newman finds this out, discharges Broncho Billy and sends Mae to visit her brother in the east. Broncho Billy kidnaps Mae from the stage coach and they marry, squatting on Newman's land.

Broncho Billy's Judgment

Broncho Billy's Judgment

Broncho Billy and his pal are in love with the same girl. They argue one night as to which one she really loves. Broncho suggests that they go to her home and settle the matter. They arrive just in time to see the girl marrying a gambler who is known to be a low-down good-for-nothing by both Broncho and his pal.

Broncho Billy's Dad

Broncho Billy's Dad

When Broncho Billy leaves home to take the office of sheriff, his dad's parting words are, "My boy, no matter what happens, do your duty."

Broncho Billy's Word of Honor

Broncho Billy's Word of Honor

Broncho Billy and his pals hold up a stagecoach. In rifling the mail bag, Broncho discovers a letter from his mother in which she begs him to come back home, as she is dying. Before he can comply, he and his band are captured. He is placed in charge of a young man, who hopes to get enough money from the reward for the capture of the bandits to marry his sweetheart.

The Forester's Plea

The Forester's Plea

Henry Carter, a forester, has but one falling, that of drink. Despite his efforts to cure himself of his terrible habit, temptation is always stronger than his will, and Agnes, his daughter, is in despair. Finally persuaded to take treatment at a sanitarium by Rev. Small, Carter decides to give it a trial.

A Western Redemption

A Western Redemption

Tom Perkins, a Chicago youth, is arrested, charged with being one of the carbarn bandits, to whom is attributed a series of bold robberies. The disgraced parents also suffer for their son's crimes, the elder Perkins being thrown out of a job, and they are forced to leave their rented cottage, on account of the bad character of their son.

The Stage Driver's Daughter

The Stage Driver's Daughter

Old Jim Lacey and his daughter operate a stagecoach in the west. One day, Alice, the girl, meets Tom Percival, a prospector, green from the east, and they fall in love. A few weeks later Tom writes Alice that he has struck it rich and for her to accompany her father on the stagecoach that day and she can ride with him to the claim office.

The Sheriff's Decision

The Sheriff's Decision

Steve Jameson, a cowboy, is having a lonely meal on the range one day when suddenly he is surprised by a stranger, who rushes covertly out of the bushes and begs him, in an excited manner, for food. The newcomer is a Mexican and his strange demeanor and excited manner suggest to Steve that he is a fugitive.

The Strike at the Little Jonny Mine

The Strike at the Little Jonny Mine

Young Jim Logan, a miner at the "Little Jonny" mine, is in financial straits owing to the long illness of his wife. Other misfortunes follow when Jim learns of the discontent of other miners and their grumbling at the present wage scale they are receiving. It is finally decided to make demands to the mine owners

Broncho Billy's Secret

Broncho Billy's Secret

Broncho Billy, sheriff of Cheyenne County, in love with Marguerite Clayton, is accepted by her. Marguerite's father approves of the engagement. Little did Broncho Billy know the father of the girl he is going to marry is a notorious outlaw. After holding up a stage one day, Clayton is pursued by the sheriff and his posse.

Broncho Billy's Squareness

Broncho Billy's Squareness

Earl Briggs, a ranchman, and Carl Underwood, a sheriff, are in love with Grace Woodward. Earl is the favored suitor and in time Grace becomes engaged to hire. Sometime later the stage is held up by Broncho Billy, a notorious outlaw. A fierce battle ensues in the woods between the posse and the bandit, in which Broncho Billy is wounded

The Power of Good

The Power of Good

Jim Reed, an outlaw, holds up a stagecoach, but is seen by a horseman, who hastily rides to the sheriff's office and shortly after, the sheriff and posse are in pursuit. Finding the trail of the desperado they follow him through a dense woods on the mountainside before he is aware that he is being pursued. He easily eludes them and comes across a miner's hut.

An Indian's Sacrifice

An Indian's Sacrifice

Sam Madden and his daughter Emily run a general store in a small Western town. One of their frequent visitors and one who Madden especially admires is Grey Deer, an educated Indian, and on his deathbed, at the opening of the story, he exacts a promise from Emily that she will wed Gray Deer when he dies.

An Indian Sunbeam

An Indian Sunbeam

The accidental overturning of their "prairie schooner" kills a settler and his wife and leaves their little baby girl, Sunbeam, alone in the world. Discovered by Big Wolf, an Indian brave from a nearby tribe, Sunbeam is adopted and brought up as one of their number.

Broncho Billy Outwitted

Broncho Billy Outwitted

Old Silas Trent, a squatter, is warned that the community is not healthy for those of his calling and to move out. Trent is furious and vows vengeance on any that try to interfere with him.

The Ranchman's Trust

The Ranchman's Trust

Jim Boulder, a ranchman, receives a letter one morning, from his old friend and chum, George Stapleton, a New Yorker, saying his son Elliott, is coming out to the ranch to pull himself together and to take good care of the boy, above all to keep liquor from him. Next day Elliott arrives and immediately falls in love with Boulder's pretty daughter, Sue. She returns his love and thus arouses the insane jealousy of Bill Dunham, the ranch foreman. A month passes and Bill, discovering that Elliott's weakness is drink, manages to smuggle a bottle ...

Broncho Billy for Sheriff

Broncho Billy for Sheriff

Jim Dunn, county sheriff, is asked to withdraw his name as a candidate for re-election because the boys think he has proved himself incapable in office. Dunn is a tighter, rushes to town, declares he will be in the campaign in spite of all opposition, and has the town placarded with notices urging the boys to vote for him. .Meanwhile, the judges have a hard time to find a man with the nerve to run against Dunn. Broncho Billy, a ranchman, is urged to become a candidate and agrees. Cleaning his gun thoroughly, Broncho sits down to eat dinner. ...

Broncho Billy's Escapade

Broncho Billy's Escapade

Vedah Morley is drawing a pail of water at the well one morning, when Broncho Billy approaches, lifts his sombrero respectfully, and asks for a drink. Struck by the simple charm of the girl, Broncho watches until she enters her shack nearby, then goes on down the trail, unconscious of the fact that Vedab is gazing after him from the window.