Movies by Dave Fleischer

I'm in the Army Now
Olive tells Popeye and Bluto that she loves a man in a uniform, so they try to sign up at the recruiting station - that can only take one of them.

Let's You and Him Fight
Bluto is the boxing champ, Popeye his challenger, Wimpy the timekeeper. Popeye is pounded mercilessly until Olive comes by with a can of spinach.

A Date to Skate
Popeye takes Olive roller skating in a rink. She's never skated before, so he has to teach her, and she's not a quick learner. Before long Olive ends up outside the rink, rolling wildly out of control.

Dizzy Red Riding-Hood
Betty Boop goes to Grandma's through the woods despite wolf warnings; but Bimbo follows and gives the old story a new twist.

Seasin's Greetinks!
Popeye skates over to Olive's house to give her a Christmas present: ice skates of her own. While he's teaching her, Bluto skates up and gets fresh; of course, Popeye fights him. When Olive rejects Bluto again, he sends her careening on an ice floe towards a waterfall.

Betty Boop's Museum
Koko is recruiting customers for a 50 cent sightseeing tour of the museum. Betty is Koko's only passenger. Betty gets locked inside by accident. The skeletons from the displays come to life and chase Betty, until she is finally rescued by Bimbo.

KoKo's Earth Control
Ko-Ko the Clown and his dog Fitz walk into a building where levers that control various aspects of the Earth are located. After Fitz presses a particular lever, the world goes topsy-turvy and out-of-control. Note that this cartoon contains strobe flashing.

The Hot Air Salesman
A door to door salesman visits Betty Boop's home with a long line of useless household gadgets.
False Alarm
An "Out of the Inkwell" short featuring Ko-Ko the Clown, this time as a fireman.

A Language All My Own
Betty Boop takes her stage act on the road, and plays in Japan to great acclaim.

Betty Boop with Henry the Funniest Living American
Henry, comic strip character, gets a job at Betty Boop's pet store.

Judge for a Day
Betty Boop, annoyed by 'public pests' like backslappers, gum parkers, and mud splashers, imagines what she'd do to them if she were a judge.

Poor Cinderella
In the only Betty Boop color cartoon, Cinderella (Betty) goes to the ball thanks to her fairy godmother. Later, only her foot fits the glass slipper.

Taking the Blame
Betty brings home a cat as a playmate for her pet puppy, Pudgy. The cat manages to get Pudgy blamed for all his misbehaviour.

A Little Soap and Water
Betty Boop tries to give Pudgy the Pup a bath, with slapstick results.
This fascinating series features Max himself, filmed in live action, sitting at a drawing board and concocting adventures for his star performer Ko-Ko the Clown. Max is supposedly the guy in charge, and he takes sadistic glee in putting Ko-Ko through various forms of hell, but the clown usually fights back and sometimes gets the best of his Uncle Max. FADEAWAY elevates this charged relationship to new heights (or depths?) of nightmarish surrealism; it's also one of the most enjoyable Inkwell cartoons I've seen to date, packing lots of imagin...

The Spinach Overture
Popeye's ensemble is rehearsing the opening of the Poet and Peasant Overture (with interpolations of the Popeye theme and "I've Been Working on the Railroad"). Maestro Bluto drops in from next door to conduct and play violin and show Popeye up. Popeye plays horribly until he unlocks the previously unexplored artistic benefits of spinach.

Just a Gigolo
Irene Bordoni sings the title song in French and English with a Bouncing Ball. Cartoon sequences: Betty Boop as a cabaret emcee and cigarette girl; a romantic tom-cat gigolo.

Mother Goose Land
Betty, while reading a book of Mother Goose stories, wishes she could visit such a wonderful place. Betty's wish is granted when Mother Goose appears, and gives her a tour of Mother Goose Land. Betty has a wonderful time until Little Miss Muffet's spider chases her, with lecherous ends in mind. All of the characters come to Betty's rescue. Betty wakes up in bed with all the fairy tale characters surrounding her.

Baby Be Good
Betty Boop tells naughty Little Jimmy a corrective fairy tale.