Movies by Ivan Mistrík

Kde leží naša bieda

Kde leží naša bieda

Dravý prúd

Dravý prúd

Súkromná vojna

Súkromná vojna

Do posledného dychu

Do posledného dychu

Do zbrane, kuruci

Do zbrane, kuruci

Na brehu priezračnej rieky

Na brehu priezračnej rieky

Smrť malomeštiaka

Smrť malomeštiaka

Zlatá panna

Zlatá panna



Smrť sa volá Engelchen

Smrť sa volá Engelchen

Andersonvillský proces

Andersonvillský proces

Zaujímaví muži

Zaujímaví muži

Higher Principle

Higher Principle

During the Nazi occupation of a Czech city civilians are being rounded up on the slightest of pretexts and shot. One day three high school boys who crack jokes about a recently deceased "hero of the Reich" are pulled out of school by the Gestapo.

A Face in the Window

A Face in the Window

A movie built up of three stories about life in a small Slovak town. The Prosecutor: the district attorney is a jazz orchestra soloist at the same time and that is much disliked by the local provincial society. The Defender: is about a young doctor's relation to his patient, who is open about his reactionary opinions. The Judge: it is only after long years that the old judge realizes that his own marriage is in jeopardy.



Balada o Vojtovej Marine

Balada o Vojtovej Marine

Človek na moste

Človek na moste

Něco je ve vzduchu

Něco je ve vzduchu

The urn supposedly containing the remains of Alice's grandfather falls out of the window and breaks. To Alice's great surprise, the urn is empty and the girl learns that the grandfather didn't die but disappeared under mysterious circumstances on the 2nd September 1946 in the town of Telc. Her grandmother claims that a mysterious young man with dark glasses was implicated in her husband disappearance. Alice is determined to solve the mystery. Grandmother's story leads Alice to a shoemaker who hands her Professor Jeník's - her grandfather's -...

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Humánna povinnosť

Humánna povinnosť