Movies by Jack Mulhall

Sirens of the Sea

Sirens of the Sea

During a raging storm, a baby is washed up on shore on an island in Greece and is adopted by the wealthy Stanhopes, who name her Lorelei. Eighteen years later, Lorelei, now a woman, invites her school friends to spend their vacation at her villa. One of her guests, Julie, is insanely jealous of Lorelei. One day Gerald Waldron, a disenchanted society fop, sails by on his yacht, accompanied by his social-climbing friend, Hartley Royce. Seeing Lorelei and her friends swimming, they decide to go ashore. Both Gerald and Hartley fall in love with ...

The Midnight Man

The Midnight Man

When young inventor Bob Moore fails in his efforts to provide his father, a safe manufacturer, with a lock that is burglar proof, he contacts The "Eel," the most talented safecracker in the city, to offer him a job in his factory. The Eel, deciding to go straight, accepts the offer, but when he later learns that Irene Hardin has been given a valuable necklace by her father, The Eel plans one last job to secure Irene's pearls.

Fighting for Love

Fighting for Love

Two cowboys, Jim and Johnny Little Bear, discover a rich mine and decide to spend some of their money traveling. Their travels lead them to the kingdom of Queen Sylvia, who is being warred upon by the neighboring monarch Ferdinand because she will not marry him. Sympathetic to the Queen's plight, the cowboys wire to America for the rest of the gang, who arrive just in time to rout Ferdinand's attack.

The Terror

The Terror

Gunman Chuck Connelly is hired to silence the new district attorney who has been pounding the graft organizations. Chuck goes to the D. A.'s home to threaten him, but is taken off guard when his victim's little daughter leans trustfully on his knee and looks up at him with a smile. The D. A. ignores Chuck's warning, and the gang orders the gunman to execute him. Chuck breaks into the house, but sees the little girl again and is unable to complete his task. Instead, he seeks out his girl friend, Annie Mangan, a Salvation Army reformer, and sw...

At the Road's End

At the Road's End

The young contractor scrapes acquaintance with the girl by petting her dog, and, having met her mother, insinuates himself into the old lady's good graces. But he cannot fool the dog, and so aggressive does the animal become that the girl's mother gives it to a passing farmer. The girl is forced to accept the contractor's attentions, notwithstanding that she has a favored suitor, a young man of the town. In desperation she runs away, intending to join her lover, but on the road she is overtaken by the contractor, who brings word that the dog...

Twin Beds

Twin Beds

A young husband just wants to spend a quiet evening at home with his wife, but her collection of zany friends make hash of his hopes.

We Moderns

We Moderns

A 1925 film directed by John Francis Dillon.

Danger, Go Slow

Danger, Go Slow

Muggsy Mulane, a waif who wears boy's clothing, jumps a freight train to the country after Jimmy "the Eel," the leader of the gang of crooks with whom she works, is arrested. In the village of Cottonville, Muggsy befriends Aunt Sarah, whom she later discovers is Jimmy's mother. When Muggsy learns that the greedy Judge Cotton, who holds the mortgage on Aunt Sarah's property, is planning to foreclose, she threatens to blackmail him, and he relents.

Whom the Gods Would Destroy

Whom the Gods Would Destroy

After a young inventor discovers a powerful new explosive, agents from a German chemical firm induce him to study at a German university. While there, he is repelled by certain aspects of the people, and he leaves for Belgium. When the war begins, the inventor saves a Belgian burgomaster's daughter from Prussian invaders. The inventor and the girl endure horrible suffering because of the war, but they find happiness at its end, while the formerly fighting nations direct their effort towards world peace at the Paris conferences. The assassina...

The Drums of Jeopardy

The Drums of Jeopardy

The story centers around two small statuettes containing valuable emeralds, which are said to project a sinister influence on the possessor. The czar of Russia gives the statuettes to a grand duke, who, in turn, gives them to his secretary, John Hawksley. Hawksley sends them to America in a friend's possession and follows after.

The Flame of Youth

The Flame of Youth

James Gordon, Sr., owner of the Gordon syndicate, dispatches his roughneck son Jimmy to investigate why production has fallen off in his opal mine on an island off the coast of lower California. After an argument with his fiancée, socialite Lucy Andrews, Jimmy leaves for the island where he is met by Juan, McCool's servant who, along with Jasper Sneedham, has been cheating the company. On the launch, Juan tries to eliminate Jimmy by hitting him over the head, but the lad escapes and swims to shore where he is rescued by Sneedham's stepdaught...

The Hero of the Hour

The Hero of the Hour

Billy Brooks, who exhibits an effeminate personality, leaves his Wall Street magnate father and goes on the road as a perfume salesman. In an effort to cure his son of his womanly ways, Brooks, Sr. wires Nebeker, an old rancher friend, to kidnap Billy from the train and "make a man of him."