Movies by Gilbert M. Anderson

Across the Plains
Jennie Lee and her father are on their way to Golden California, from a little Kansas farm, traveling in a prairie schooner. At the last settlement visited by the two, the old man, who has a weakness for drink, purchases several bottles of whiskey, which he begins drinking when they have made camp for the night. A lone cowboy calls upon them and finds the old man in a jovial mood and cautions him to beware of the hostile tribe of Indians, through whose country they are now traveling.
The Bunco Game at Lizardhead
Jake Walters and his wife, Millie, arrive at Lizardhead, Arizona. They have learned that Mrs. Riley, proprietress of the hotel, has advertised for a waitress and Millie is sent to take the position. Millie is pretty and soon has all the village swains breaking their necks to gain her favor. From "Stump" Willetts to "Lank" Henderson, every cowboy within a radius of ten miles of Lizardhead is led to believe that he is the pretty lady's choice.
The Bad Man's First Prayer
Driven to drink by poverty brought upon by the long illness of his wife, Joe Selling, a western miner, spends most of his time at the village bar, where one day his daughter Alice enters and pleads with him to come home. She is thrust aside by the brutal bartender, who orders her to leave the place when Dan Quigley, a rather shady character, takes her part, thrusts the bartender aside, and helping Joe to his feet, leads him out of the place and home. At home Alice pleads with both men to reform, but her father is obstinate and Dan says he is...

Broncho Billy and the Red Man
Broncho Billy saves an Indian from starvation. The Indian's intelligence is soon discovered by Broncho, who determines to make the red man a partner in his prospecting camp. An accident renders the prospector unconscious and the Indian hastens to the village for a doctor. The physician discovers that Broncho Billy's marred face is filled with dirt and gold. He tries to bribe the Indian. "Where did the explosion occur? See, Buck, I'm going to give you this money, tell me?" But the Indian is loyal.
What a Woman Can Do
Frank Mills is a college boy with but one ambition in life and that is to someday wed the girl of his dreams, Helen Wilson. In his room at college he receives a note from Helen in which she accepts his proposal and says she will gladly go with him west, where he expects to make his fortune.
The Infant at Snakeville
Mrs. Graham and her baby boy are on their way from the east to an uncle's ranch in Wyoming, and they have completed the long journey in safety up to the time they are to take the stagecoach to Snakeville, near which the ranch is located. Through an accident Baby "Bumps," as he is fondly called by his mother, is carried off by the coach and Mrs. Graham left behind.
Forgiven in Death
Ned and Jack, two western boys, are both in love with the pretty daughter of their employer, who, liking both, is unsettled as to which of them she will accept. She finally decides upon Jack and not desiring to hurt Ned's feelings, proposes to her father that she and Jack be married secretly.

Broncho Billy and the Bad Man
To err is human, but in the end, goodness of heart will prevail and the one who has committed an offense against man-made laws may come out of the mire and develop into a law abiding and god-fearing citizen. Broncho Billy, from being one of the most desperate characters in the west, is reformed through the kind treatment accorded him at the hands of the sheriff and his wife, and is made deputy.
At the Break of Dawn
Young Gilbert Randel, an American surveyor, is sent to Mexico with a construction gang, and quartered in a small Mexican village, meets Pepita, a beautiful Mexican girl, with whom he falls in love. After frequent visit to the cottage of Pepita, Gilbert proposes to the girl and she consents to the marriage.

The Corporation and the Ranch Girl
Upon the death of her father, Ann Newton is made the heiress of an extensive and valuable ranch in Arizona, when she is visited by the officials of the S.W. Railroad Company, who, seeking to extend the tracks of their company, find it necessary to buy a portion of the ranch. Ann refuses to part with the ranch at any price
The Calling of Jim Barton
A mother's heart always goes out to her wayward son. Jim Barton caused his mother constant worry, and one night his father caught him in the act of tampering with the family strong box. Jim is severely admonished and that night runs away, leaving a note to his mother to the effect that he will never return. The parents are broken-hearted, but are consoled by their other son, who is a good, honest lad.

Broncho Billy and the Indian Maid
Bart McGrew, a rascally schemer, endeavors to secure an old Indian chief's signature to a deed that will give him thousands of acres of valuable land owned by the tribe. Laughing Fawn, the chief's beautiful daughter, suspects Bart of treachery and takes her father away before he signs.
On the Cactus Trail
Dan Clayton, a young easterner, is engaged to pretty Vedah Powers. Desirous of making his fortune Clayton goes west and becomes a prospector. After six months he has almost forgotten Vedah, and his letters are far and few between. Patiently Vedah waits each day for the postman, and her heart is almost breaking when no word comes from Dan. Meanwhile, Dan gets into bad company, takes to drinking, meets a Mexican girl, and marries her. His money gives out and he writes Vedah that he has met with an accident while prospecting and asks her to sen...

A Story of Montana
Old Clayton, a ranchman, has a pretty daughter, Sue, who is loved by Dan Morris, a worthless cattleman. Clayton tries to force Sue to marry Morris, but the girl indignantly refuses, tells Morris she doesn't love him and goes to meet her real sweetheart.

Broncho Billy's Pal
Tom Shelby and Broncho Billy, partners on a small cattle ranch, and life-long pals, are stalwart young fellows and true sons of the west. Tom falls in love with Vedah Craig, daughter of the county sheriff, proudly tells Broncho of her, shows him the ring, goes to the Craig house, and puts the ring on Vedah's finger with the consent of her father. Rushing back to the ranch house Tom tells Broncho the good news and Broncho congratulates him warmly. That night a dance is held in the town hall. At the height of the merriment Quick-Draw Kelly, a ...
The Romance on 'Bar O'
Young Jack Farson, the foreman on the "Bar O" ranch, is in love with Alice Walton, daughter of his employer. Alice rejects the young cowpuncher, but asks in a kindly way that they continue as good friends and nothing else. One day, while out on a canter, the spirited horse stubbornly refuses to ford a stream, and becoming angry endeavors to throw his fair rider.
The Tribe's Penalty
Dorothy Sloane, the daughter of a white settler in the west, leaves her home one day for a ride on horseback to the village, but on the way in intercepted by a party of Indians who, after a hard chase, capture her and taking her to the village, bring her before the chief.

Broncho Billy's Bible
Broncho Billy and his pal, after robbing the stagecoach, divide the loot and part company. Among the valuables in his share. Broncho finds a well-worn Bible and, after skimming over the pages with a grim smile, he puts it in an inside pocket and rides into town.
Carmenita the Faithful
Carmenita is the daughter of a Mexican innkeeper and is loved by all. One day two young Mexican ruffians enter and make vulgar love to her, much to her dislike, when Frank Dougherty, a young cowpuncher enters, and protects her.
The Bad Man's Downfall
When pretty Molly Martin comes out to the west to teach school, she is beset by many admirers. But the most persistent, and as fate often wills it, the least acceptable, is one "Bad" McGrew, town bully and a generally worthless scamp.