Movies by Vlastimil Brodský

The Thirteenth Chamber

The Thirteenth Chamber

Twelve-year old Kosta, a little boy of an overactive imagination, makes friends with equally sensitive eleven-year old Blanka. Fantasy leads the two children to the forgotten attic in the house of Blanka's parents. For them, this is the forbidden "thirteenth chamber," and to Kosta, an old glass vase becomes a magic ball with the help of which he can play his favorite play "on fate". The children observe the adults and unconsciously sense that something has gone wrong in Blanka's family. Her dad is a physician and her mother is not happy with...

Den, kdy unesli papeže

Den, kdy unesli papeže

Společnost s ručením omezeným

Společnost s ručením omezeným

Jeden ze soubojů

Jeden ze soubojů

Podezřelé okolnosti

Podezřelé okolnosti

The Death of Black King

The Death of Black King

Zločin a trik I.

Zločin a trik I.

Fools Among Us

Fools Among Us

Tale '88

Tale '88

The lead character is a young woman who becomes close with a colleague of her husband. She finds herself at an important crossroad in life and considers whether to take a decisive step.

Záhady aneb S Karlem Čapkem v soudní síni

Záhady aneb S Karlem Čapkem v soudní síni

Pastýřská pohádka

Pastýřská pohádka

Pražský Sherlock Holmes

Pražský Sherlock Holmes

How to Catch a Tiger

How to Catch a Tiger

Short movie by Bretislav Pojar

About the Thick Fog

About the Thick Fog

Short film made by Bretislav Pojar

Zdravý nemocný Vlastimilený Brodský

Zdravý nemocný Vlastimilený Brodský

Mapa zámořských objevů

Mapa zámořských objevů

Zvony pana Mlácena

Zvony pana Mlácena



Pan Jordán a Habada

Pan Jordán a Habada

Blázinec v 1. poschodí

Blázinec v 1. poschodí