Movies by Victor Potel

Broncho Billy-Guardian
Broncho Billy hears a child scream and rushes on the scene in time to prevent Jim Haley, a big brute of a man, from beating his little daughter, Josie, with a horse whip. Later, Haley and Pedro, a half-breed, are caught rustling cattle and are given the customary treatment, but not before Haley writes a note to Josie, stating that the boys will take care of her. The boys send Josie east to school and ten years later, when she returns a young lady, they all fall in love with her.
Broncho Billy Wins Out
Broncho Billy and the coward are both in love with the school teacher at Snakeville. Broncho is accepted, and the coward, mad with jealousy, induces the unsuspecting rival to carry through a mock hold-up. When Broncho Billy appears as a highwayman, the school teacher shoots at him. The coward has left the crowd and fires at Broncho.

Broncho Billy, a Friend in Need
The doctor, who owns the only store in town, is called away, and leaves his daughter in charge. A bandit has been menacing the vicinity and a reward is offered for his capture. There is quite a sum of money in the store, and when Broncho Billy, a stranger, knocks at the door, the girl thinks he must be the outlaw and forces him into a room at the point of a gun
The Forester's Plea
Henry Carter, a forester, has but one falling, that of drink. Despite his efforts to cure himself of his terrible habit, temptation is always stronger than his will, and Agnes, his daughter, is in despair. Finally persuaded to take treatment at a sanitarium by Rev. Small, Carter decides to give it a trial.

The Strike at the Little Jonny Mine
Young Jim Logan, a miner at the "Little Jonny" mine, is in financial straits owing to the long illness of his wife. Other misfortunes follow when Jim learns of the discontent of other miners and their grumbling at the present wage scale they are receiving. It is finally decided to make demands to the mine owners

At the Sign of the Jack'O Lantern
When Harlan Carr inherited his Uncle Ebenezer's "Jack-O Lantern" house and too his bride there to live, he found himself the unwilling host of a score of hungry relatives within a week. Soon, strange things began to happen. A black cat made the house his headquarters, unexplained sounds could be heard and a shadowy figure floated through the halls at night.
An Indian Sunbeam
The accidental overturning of their "prairie schooner" kills a settler and his wife and leaves their little baby girl, Sunbeam, alone in the world. Discovered by Big Wolf, an Indian brave from a nearby tribe, Sunbeam is adopted and brought up as one of their number.

Broncho Billy for Sheriff
Jim Dunn, county sheriff, is asked to withdraw his name as a candidate for re-election because the boys think he has proved himself incapable in office. Dunn is a tighter, rushes to town, declares he will be in the campaign in spite of all opposition, and has the town placarded with notices urging the boys to vote for him. .Meanwhile, the judges have a hard time to find a man with the nerve to run against Dunn. Broncho Billy, a ranchman, is urged to become a candidate and agrees. Cleaning his gun thoroughly, Broncho sits down to eat dinner. ...

Broncho Billy and the Western Girls
Evelyn and Irene Courteny, through the helplessness of their father, who is a cripple, are given charge of the general store and post office. A large bag of gold with registered letters, etc., are delivered by the mail carrier on day. Dick Lee, a notorious outlaw, sees the delivery of the valuable bag. That night, with a gang, Lee breaks into the post office and would have carried off the treasure, had not Evelyn escaped through a back window, mounted her horse, and rode away. One of the men sees her, however, and the three go in pursuit. Ir...

Sophie Pulls a Good One
Sophie, a dentist, recognizes a patient as the bandit who previously robbed her during a stagecoach holdup.

Sophie Gets Stung
Five of Snakeville's leading citizens are all determined to marry Sophie.

Why Broncho Billy Left Bear County
Through a kindly act Broncho Billy earns the deep gratitute of Marion Rivers, who presents him with a Bible. Not long afterwards, she comes upon him as he is about to hold up the stage, but at sight of the girl he is overwhelmed with shame and taking out the little Bible promises her that he will live honorably. In the meantime, Marion's father holds up the stage at another point, and one of the stagecoach drivers, mounting a bareback pony, rides off for the sheriff. Broncho Billy sees Rivers get away with the money, and when he hears the sh...
The Border Ranger
Dan Coughlin, a ranger, comes upon a band of smugglers and succeeds in capturing one of them, a half-breed Mexican, "Easy" Joe by name. Joe is taken to headquarters and locked up, while all efforts to wring a confession from him as to the whereabouts of the band's rendezvous have failed. It is not long, however, before the others of the gang make an effort to liberate their pal and send an Indian to spy upon Dan and other members of the troupe.
A Cowboy's Mother-in-Law
Nellie Blair, the niece of a wealthy ranchman, and an orphan, comes in make her home with her uncle, and shortly after her arrival finds that the whole "Circle A" outfit, every manjack on the place, is in love with her.

Captain Kidd, Jr.
An old man wills a map to his grandson, with instructions showing a buried treasure, but it is accidentally sold to a book store. The owner and her granddaughter Mary discover it. Mary and her boyfriend an aspiring author, meet the desperate grandson and agree to share the treasure.

A Horse on Sophie
Sophie writes a note to her aunt telling her that she is undecided whether she will marry Slippery Slim or Mustang Pete, but says she will accept the one who buys the best-looking horse.

Wagon Wheels West
In this short western, a U.S. marshal seeks vengeance against the man who killed his father.

The Battle of Snakeville
The proprietor of the O.K. hotel is advertising for a "lady" cook. Meanwhile, a Chinaman is stealing all his trade. Sophie arrives in Snakeville and applies for the position. The proprietor engages her without a moment's hesitation.
The Two Fugitives
After successfully eluding the London police, David Goodwin, an embezzler, sails for America and locates in the west. At the opening of our story, he is married and has several little children, and has become a thoroughly respectable and honorable citizen. One day he is reminded of the past by a newspaper item which states that the London embezzler has been located

When Slippery Slim Went for the Eggs
When eggs went up to $6 a dozen, Slim and Sophie try in every way to make their hen lay, but with no success. Mustang sees their efforts and decides to play a joke. One morning Slim receives a letter telling him that giving hens hot water to drink and putting salt on their tails will make them lay.