Movies by Byron Foulger

Heroes of the Saddle
A fast-paced, enjoyable entry in the long-running Three Mesqueteers Western series, Heroes of the Saddle featured the three cowboy pals promising to look after Peggy Bell, the little daughter of mortally wounded rodeo champ Montana. Legal technicalities, however, halt the adoption proceeding and Stony, Rusty, and Rico can only watch as the little girl is placed in the county orphanage.

The Luck of Roaring Camp
When the miners of Roaring Camp become Godfathers to a motherless baby, they name the boy Luck and promise to set aside money for him from their diggings. But when they strike it rich the money is gambled away instead.

Satan's Cradle
Satan's Cradle was the fourth of producer Phil Krasne's "Cisco Kid" programmers for United Artists. This time, Cisco takes on a frontier megalomaniac, shyster lawyer Steve Gentry, who has taken over a mining town. Gentry's confederate is dancehall girl Lil who is as deadly as she is beautiful. When itinerant preacher Henry Lane is beaten to a pulp by Gentry's goons, Cisco and Pancho move in for the kill.

The Girl from San Lorenzo
Cisco and Pancho set out to clear their names in a series of stage robberies committed by two thugs who are impersonating them.

Beautiful But Broke
Theatrical agent Waldo Main is inducted into the army, and turns his now clientless agency over to his secretary Dottie Duncan. Dottie decides to organize an all-girl orchestra to fill the void caused by so many orchestra members being called to service due to WWII, and joins struggling singers/songwriters Sally Richards and Sue Ford in this endeavor. Dottie's screwball schemes to get engagements for the group often lead to disaster.

Curfew Breakers
Police Lieutenant Lacey, with aid from Coach Bettger, heads a crack-down on dope-peddling to high-school athletes. One kid dies from an overdose, two more kill a gas station attendant in an aborted hold-up attempt to get money to buy dope, and a third dies in a fall in a condemned empty building while fleeing from the law. With the aid of some outraged students, the dope pusher is brought to justice.

Twelve Hours to Kill
After witnessing a gangland murder, a young Greek immigrant flees for his life and hides out in a small town, but he soon realizes he's not as safe there as he thought.

The Master Key
Before the outbreak of WWII, Nazi sympathizers plot to undermine America.

Larceny on the Air
A doctor working with the Bureau of Pure Foods and Drugs, uses radio broadcasts to expose fraudulent patent medicines.

Swing in the Saddle
In this tuneful western, two curious actresses head West to find out the name of their secret admirer. Songs include: "Amor," (Sunny Skylar, Gabriel Ruiz), "Hey Mabel" (Fred Stryker), "By the River Sainte Marie" (Edgar Leslie, Harry Warren), "She Broke My Heart in Three Places" (Oliver Drake), "When It's Harvest Time in Peaceful Valley" (Robert Martin, Raymond McKee), and "There'll Be a Jubilee" (Phil Moore).

Beware Spooks!
A bumbling detective chases an escaped convict in an amusement park haunted house in Coney Island.

Ridin' on a Rainbow
When the showboat hits town, two men use the parade as a distraction to rob the bank. Their accomplice is Pop, the clown from the showboat. He leaves the money on the boat and tells his daughter Patsy to bring it to him at a later stop on the river. Gene's investigation of a bank robbery takes him to the showboat where he becomes a performer. Gene and Frog try to find the money while helping Patsy and her father.

Born to Be Wild
Truck drivers Steve Hackett and Bill Purvis are fired from their jobs with the West Coast Trucking company for not using second-gear going down steep grades. Davis, the company vice-president, surprisingly asks them to carry a load of merchandise to Arrowhead and offers a $1000 bonus. He tells them it is a load of lettuce. Several miles out of Los Angelese, they are stopped by a mob of lettuce-farm workers on strike. When the first crate is tossed off the truck, it explodes and the two pals learn their merchandise is a cargo of dynamite. The...

Keep 'Em Sailing
An FBI agent goes undercover to investigate the sabotage of American cargo ships.

Going Steady
Two high-school students keep their marriage a secret from their family and friends, but they're forced to confess when the teenage wife learns she's pregnant.

Purity Squad
This entry in the Crime Does Not Pay series focuses on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's effort to ensure that drugs are fully tested before they are sold to consumers. Two unscrupulous investors market the drug 'Diabulin' as a substitute for insulin after preliminary tests show good results. After a short time, however, users start dying from the drug. The FDA and the state attorney general's office then go after the drug marketers.

Harvard Here I Come
Slapsie Rosenbloom receives an award from the satirical Harvard Lampoon for his well-known stupidity. Instead of being enraged, Slapsie Maxie is delighted by the "honor", and promptly tries to enroll at the ivy-league university. Upon arriving on campus, he is pounced upon by a group of eccentric scientists led by Professor Alvin, who is convinced that Rosenbloom is the "missing link" that science has long been searching for.

I Surrender Dear
Patty Nelson lands a job as a singer with orchestra leader Al Tyler, and tours with the band as "Patty Hart." Patty's father Russ is dismissed from his radio-station job, and the disc jockey selected to replace him is Al Tyler. Patty rushes home to keep Russ company on the air for the final few days, and Al wonders why she suddenly walked out on him. The new "Patty and Russ" radio show catches on, causing complications with Al and the radio-station bosses.

The Steel Fist
In an Iron Curtain country an idealistic student goes on the run from the Communist authorities.

Red Desert
A Government agent is sent to track an outlaw who has stolen gold boulion. The chase leads into a desolate desert region where the agent is forced to utilize his survival skills.