Movies by Daws Butler

3-D Rarities
Selections include Kelley's Plasticon Pictures, the earliest extant 3-D demonstration film from 1922 with incredible footage of Washington and New York City; New Dimensions, the first domestic full color 3-D film originally shown at the World’s Fair in 1940; Thrills for You, a promotional film for the Pennsylvania Railroad; Stardust in Your Eyes, a hilarious standup routine by Slick Slavin; trailer for The Maze, with fantastic production design by William Cameron Menzies; Doom Town, a controversial anti-atomic testing film mysteriously pulle...

A mild-mannered man whose nerves are shot from incessant noise is sent to an exclusive, silent retreat with hilarious results.
Bee Bopped
After a short history on bees and bee-keeping, we find Windy the bear's attempts to steal honey from a bee hive (he is teaching his son the "right" way to get honey) only to be attacked by the bee inside. Windy tries a number of attempts to outsmart the bee. He floods the hive, dresses as a queen bee, uses a bathroom plunger to trap the bee (only to get it stuck to various parts of his body) and finally tries to dynamite it, only succeeding in blowing himself up. At the hospital, he is served honey and hotcakes in bed... by a male nurse who ...

The Adventures of Robin Hoodnik
An all-animal retelling of the classic Robin Hood.

Hot and Cold Penguin
More adventures of Chilly Willy and his quest to stay warm.
Deck the Halls with Wacky Walls
A goofy crew of extraterrestrial wall-walkers journey to Earth in a quest to learn the meaning of Christmas.
The Talking Dog
Maggie and Sam have finally saved enough money to be able to pay off the mortgage on their home, and Maggie warns Sam to be careful on his way to the bank. Sam immediately runs into a shady character who offers many ways for Sam to lose his money, but Sam resists them all until he is offered a talking dog. San, figuring a talking dog is a way to get rich immediately buys it. He has many rejections before he can get the dog a booking at a theatre. Before the dog can exhibit his skills, a cat shows up and ruins the act. Maggie and Sam lose the...
Papoose on the Loose
A little papoose, bent on hunting bear, is stopped by his father, the chief, and told to forget the idea. The papoose responds by shooting a rubber-tipped arrow onto the father's nose, and the chief decides to teach his progeny a good lesson.

A Waggily Tale
A boy named Junior, who treats his dog, Elvis, cruelly, is scolded by his mother and sent to his room to have a nap.

Polar Pests
When a penguin escapes from the zoo, another one must be captured. Will it be Chilly Willy? Don't bet on it.
Little Televillain
Smedley (a dog), the hottest thing on television and the star of his own I Love Smedley show, achieved his present status quite by accident.

Bungle Uncle
Ravenous nephew Bon Bon takes a sheep, and Loopy has trouble returning it to its grouchy watchdog.

Beef For And After
A steer follows Bon Bon home, but Loopy has trouble returning it to the watchdog.

Fodder and Son
Woody goes to Yellowstone National Park, where he encounters a bear who does anything to get food from people.

A Fallible Fable
After a wolf quit his role in the Little Red Riding Hood story, Loopy takes over, but unfortunately for him, a lot of drama happens, so much so that Loopy is thrown out from his role.

A Pizza Tweety-Pie
Another wet and wild Sylvester Cat-Tweety Bird chase, this time in the flooded areas of Venice, Italy, where Granny has taken Tweety on vacation.
Truant Student
A truant officer mistakes Windy Bear for a very large schoolboy playing hooky.

Bearly Able
Loopy takes the role in babysitting Junior Bear after he accidentally scares the previous babysitter Goldilocks off.

Chicken Hearted Wolf
Loopy tries to teach another wolf the consequences of stealing chickens - the hard way.

Child Sock-Cology
Loopy encounters a lost giant gorilla baby and brings him back to the zoo.