Movies by Patrick Stewart

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Chain of Command
Tensions rise as a possible Cardassian attack looms, and Picard, Dr. Crusher and Worf are sent on a secret mission to find and destroy suspected biological weapons. The headstrong replacement captain, Edward Jellico, is cold and demanding - to the dismay of the remaining crew. But when Picard is captured by the Cardassians and tortured for information, dismay turns to anger and resistance as Jellico's plans exclude a rescue mission. With his options running out, Picard must fight to save his sanity and ultimately, his life.

X-Men: Premieres Around the World
We find notes from Singer, Stan Lee, Stewart, McKellen, Berry, Mane, Davison, Romijn-Stamos, Paquin, Jackman, Janssen, and Marsden.

The Connected Universe
This fascinating journey of exploration of the connection of all things in the Universe is narrated by the legendary Sir Patrick Stewart. The film explores the mechanism of connection of all things in the Universe.