Movies by Evelyn Selbie



A Northwest melodrama about a mining engineer who loses his money gambling in the Yukon.

Broncho Billy's Brother

Broncho Billy's Brother

Broncho's brother has a quarrel with a greaser. In the fight that follows the greaser is bested, but swears to be avenged. Broncho's brother then goes home and while under the influence of liquor, strikes his mother. Broncho, hearing her screams, rushes into the room, but by this time his brother has departed.

The Hills of Peace

The Hills of Peace

Being in ill health, Fred Church goes west. Arriving there, he goes into partnership with Carl Stockdale. A few days after they strike pay dirt, Fred is taken with a paroxysm of coughing and Stockdale sends him back to the cabin to rest up. Realizing that the end is near, he writes a letter to his mother and sister, telling them he is going into the valley and not to worry if they do not hear from him, that his partner will send them his share every week.

The Calling of Jim Barton

The Calling of Jim Barton

A mother's heart always goes out to her wayward son. Jim Barton caused his mother constant worry, and one night his father caught him in the act of tampering with the family strong box. Jim is severely admonished and that night runs away, leaving a note to his mother to the effect that he will never return. The parents are broken-hearted, but are consoled by their other son, who is a good, honest lad.

Broncho Billy's Indian Romance

Broncho Billy's Indian Romance

Broncho Billy is jilted by the girl he loves and goes up into the mountains with his friend to prospect for gold. His friend is very ill and asks for her constantly. In the meantime, Broncho has saved an Indian maiden from being sold to a chief whom she dislikes. She is very grateful and later falls in love with her rescuer. One day, as she is about to give him a Navajo blanket, his sweetheart appears, and the maiden realizes her love tor Broncho is hopeless. She is about to stab herself when spied by the disliked chief, who prevents her fro...

The Rustler's Step-Daughter

The Rustler's Step-Daughter

The sheriff of Mendocino County receives a letter from Bill Kato, proprietor of a ranch, stating that he is tired of losing his cattle and that if he can't find time to do something in the matter, he will have to see the higher authorities. The sheriff at once starts out on the trail of the rustlers.

The Cowboy Samaritan

The Cowboy Samaritan

John Landers is sent to the drug store by his bedridden wife for some medicine. The druggist refuses him credit. Returning home his wife presents him with a letter from her brother in which he enclosed a check for fifty dollars. Landers is induced by Whiskey Bill Tate to gamble his money, which he does and loses.

The Naming of the Rawhide Queen

The Naming of the Rawhide Queen

Prospectors discover gold on the outskirts of Rawhide, a small town in the far west. Reuben Glen, a prospector, living in the next county, becomes discouraged and determines to try his luck elsewhere. When he arrives at Rawhide he is gently but firmly requested to remove himself immediately from the vicinity.

A Romance of the Hills

A Romance of the Hills

Caleb Breen and Lucy Oliver are sweethearts and intend to marry just as soon as Breen strikes gold. Will Drummond arrives at Hillsdale, where he visits Henry McLean, a wealthy ranchman. Ruth, the ranchman's daughter, is engaged to Drummond. The stranger from the east meets Lucy one fine October morning, and the two become quite chummy.

Broncho Billy's Mexican Wife

Broncho Billy's Mexican Wife

Broncho marries a Mexican girl at the earnest entreaty of her dying father. Later a Mexican singer wins her love and, to get Broncho out of the way, she has him arrested and jailed on the charge of having assaulted her. In a frenzy of rage, Broncho secures the sheriff's revolver, escapes from jail and tracks the pair at his shack.

Broncho Billy's Mother

Broncho Billy's Mother

The entire town is terrorized. Broncho Billy has again been drinking and is shooting at everything in sight. After "shooting up" a saloon and grocery store Broncho goes to his cabin where he falls asleep. The sheriff and his men arrive, and after a fierce struggle overpower him. The man stationed outside suddenly rushes in and informs them that Broncho's mother has arrived to pay him a visit. The news quickly sobers Broncho, and the sheriff seeing his distress, pins his star on him, and himself dons the handcuffs. When his mother enters she ...

Broncho Billy's Love Affair

Broncho Billy's Love Affair

Winnie Allen, a pretty western girl, is loved by Dan Wild, whose father owns the Circle C Ranch. Broncho Billy, foreman of the Circle C, also loves Winnie and she favors his suit. Knowing this, and to make his way clear, Dan persuades his father to discharge Broncho. Broncho is unable to learn the cause of his dismissal from Wild.