Movies by Fred Church

The Doctor's Duty

The Doctor's Duty

Dr. Roland White falls in love with Marguerite, the daughter of the postmaster in a small western town. He asks her to marry him, but she refuses, as she is already engaged to Fred Church, the express messenger. Some time later, after the proposal, the doctor receives an invitation to the wedding of Church and Marguerite, which shatters what little hope he had of ever winning the girl. A few days before the marriage is to take place. Church is held up and shot by bandits, and taken, in a serious condition, to Dr. White's home.

A Romance of Billy Goat Hill

A Romance of Billy Goat Hill

In a Southern town, Don Morley is apparently the sole witness to a gunfight during which his friend, Lee Dillingham, badly wounds Sheely. To avoid testifying against Lee, Don leaves town, but after he is gone, Lee double-crosses Don and blames him for the shooting. Then, Don's sweetheart, Miss Lady, heartbroken to learn that Don is a criminal, marries the elderly Professor Querrington. To take her mind off her mundane marriage, Miss Lady befriends a mute boy and pays for an operation that restores his speech. The professor dies, and soon aft...

Broncho Billy's Last Hold-Up

Broncho Billy's Last Hold-Up

A girl helps Broncho Billy to hide when the sheriff comes looking for him. When a while later he finds her and her mother unconscious, he holds up a stagecoach to bring them to a doctor. The sheriff, still on Billy's track, shoots him in front of the doctor's practice.

The Road to Paradise

The Road to Paradise

Third episode in the New Adventures of Terence O'Rourke series of 2-reel shorts.

The Two Reformations

The Two Reformations

Young Frank McLain loses his position in the east, and resolves to go west to prospect for gold. Arrangements are made that he leave his wife at home, and send for her later, as soon as he has found a position. Frank's prospecting proves a failure, and he is without funds, when his plight is made more severe by receiving a letter from Alice, his wife.

Red Blood and Yellow

Red Blood and Yellow

Red Blood and Yellow is a 1919 Western

The Kid Sheriff

The Kid Sheriff

Reno Bill, a desperado, discovers the sheriff and the express agent in the act of holding up the stage. The next day Reno Bill is captured by Fred Church and his young assistant, when they find him annoying a pretty young girl. They take him to jail and when the bandit sees the sheriff and agent he contemptuously tells Church of their treachery.

A Night on the Road

A Night on the Road

A knight of the grip has many inconveniences to contend with, and not only that, but often his very life is in danger. Such is the case with John Duncan, a traveling man, who was obliged to remain overnight at a small inn located in the far west. The hotel-keeper, an unscrupulous Italian, with the help of two ruffians, schemes to steal Duncan's money and do away with him.

A Western Girl's Sacrifice

A Western Girl's Sacrifice

Young Harry Farman and Eloise Wendell are engaged to be married. Harry is a wealthy young fellow and Eloise is a society girl, and both find pleasure in their clubs and other such luxuries that the city affords the fashionable, wealthy set. Eloise, who has rode a hobby of philanthropy is engaged with her club and other clubs, who are holding a tag day, the funds to go to the children of the poor. Eloise, with another friend, invades a saloon in a fashionable hotel, and are invited to have a drink by two men seated at a table. Eloise, in fun,...

Broncho Billy's Christmas Deed

Broncho Billy's Christmas Deed

A poor man, the father of a young child, wants his offspring to have a Christmas such as every child is deserving of. He is penniless. For the love of his child he commits burglary.

The Heart of a Cowboy

The Heart of a Cowboy

Two handsome young Americans, cowboys of the "Bar O" ranch, fall in love with Kitty Blair, the pretty daughter of a neighboring ranchman.

The Dead Man's Claim

The Dead Man's Claim

An aged miner finds a rich gold claim, stakes it out, fills a sack with samples of the gold ore and starts back across the desert to file his claim. His water gives out, and, after days of torture, he at last falls in a clump of sagebrush. In a nearby cabin Jim Durkin and Black, his partner, are about to sit down to supper when faint cries are heard.

The Outlaw and the Child

The Outlaw and the Child

Dan Warrington, an outlaw, is captured by the sheriff, after the former had held up a stagecoach, and is sent to jail. After the sheriff has placed his captive under guard he goes home and is welcomed by his little daughter, a child of five. Not long after the sheriff is notified of the escape of Warrington

The Desert Sweetheart

The Desert Sweetheart

Jim Morris, a young prospector, plans a trip into the great desert to search for gold. Before he leaves, Morris places an engagement ring on the finger of Mary, his sweetheart, and she promises to await his return.

On El Monte Ranch

On El Monte Ranch

Dave Trent is employed on the Big C ranch and lives with his sister, Mary, a charming girl. Jim Andrews, foreman of the ranch, loves Mary, and one morning calls to put the engagement ring on her finger.

The Sheriff and His Man

The Sheriff and His Man

The Arizona Kid, a notorious outlaw, makes his escape from jail by sawing the bars from the cell window. Next morning this is discovered and reward notices are scattered broadcast offering $1,000 reward for his apprehension and giving his picture for identification.

The Cowpuncher's Ward

The Cowpuncher's Ward

'Red' Bowman is a worthless renegade, an alleged rustler, to whom fate has been unduly kind to allow him to escape so long the honest judgment and double earned punishment. His daughter, a curly-headed ragged little sunbeam, keeps house for him as best she can, accepting with model fortitude her brutal father's blows and lashings. When he beats her too mercilessly she runs away, if she can, to hide until his anger cools. One day he is interrupted in his amusement of "lickin' the kid" by a group of stern, determined cowboys, who threaten to l...

The Little Doctor of the Foothills

The Little Doctor of the Foothills

A humorous picture, depicting the experience of a pretty little woman doctor who goes to Arizona to practice her profession and whose presence so works upon the cowboys that they all require her aid almost instantly.

The Brother, Sister and the Cowpuncher

The Brother, Sister and the Cowpuncher

Allan Ardmore and his sister, Edith, two young eastern people, pay a visit to their uncle's ranch in Arizona. Young Ardmore has suffered a physical breakdown and is seeking to regain his health. Albert Weston, his uncle, believes in the doctrine of "back to nature" and sees plainly that what the boy needs is fresh air and plenty of rough, hard work.

A Cowboy's Vindication

A Cowboy's Vindication

A shot during a struggle, and Frank Morrison is branded with the mark of Cain, but by his own efforts the real murderer is discovered.