Movies by Petr Kostka

Není houba jako houba

Není houba jako houba

Hádankář Vojta

Hádankář Vojta

Zámek pro Barborku

Zámek pro Barborku

Kouzelník Žito

Kouzelník Žito

Záchvěv strachu

Záchvěv strachu

Svatá noc

Svatá noc





It is 5 May 1945 and the uprising against the hated German occupiers has broken out in Prague. The Czech guards open the gate of the Pankrác prison to allow the prisoners to escape en masse. Many of them are shot dead by the German guards but young Ruda (Jaromír Hanzlík) manages to run away. He is taken care of by one of the Prague fighters, concierge Kytka. Kytka hides him in the flat of the house's owner where only the young maid Karla (Jana Brejchová) is left, ordering her to take care of Ruda.

O třech ospalých princeznách

O třech ospalých princeznách

O podezíravém králi

O podezíravém králi

Modrý pták

Modrý pták

Princezna Pampeliška

Princezna Pampeliška

O Vánocích už nechci slyšet ani slovo

O Vánocích už nechci slyšet ani slovo

Robinson Girl

Robinson Girl

Blazenka likes to imagine she is on a desolate island and has to find a way how to survive. After the death of her mother she stays together with her baby brother and has to take care of the family. In this difficult situation, she plays this role-game that helps her to deal with the sudden loss of her mother.

Duch času

Duch času

Spanilá jízda

Spanilá jízda