Movies by Yoshihiro Nakamura

Honto ni Atta! Noroi No Video 82
82th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 97
The 97th milestone of psychic documentary that has entered its 22nd year and continues to evolve more! A popular series that collects psychic videos by general posting! It is also full of new posts that are being received one after another from all over the country! Director Yoshihiro Nakamura, who is familiar with the narration is "I wonder if you understand ..." "I wonder if it will be ..."! You can't sleep because of the series of shocking images!

Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video Vol. 32
A collection of horrifying psychic images submitted by general posts, "It was really there! Cursed video". Fear grows! Earth-bound spirits, grudges, floating spirits, guardian spirits ... Full of mysterious images that cannot be elucidated by science; including 'Sports day', 'Dog-walking', 'Club event', 'absence', 'Series surveillance camera Internet cafe refugee', 'taxi', 'Red person' and 'Twenty Seven Part 1'.

Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video 30

Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video 29
The 29th installment of the popular series that contains psychic images from general posts.

Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video 25
A collection of shivering psychic images received by general posts, "It really was! A video of the curse." Fear grows! Earthbound spirits, vengeful spirits, floating spirits, guardian spirits... It's full of mysterious images that can't be solved by science, including 'Half-faced man', 'Creepy woman', 'Rock-climbing', 'My girlfriend', 'Safari park', 'Household surveillance cameras' and 'Kumano Kanko'.

Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video 22
The 22nd collection of shivering video experiences received by general posts.

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 87
87th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 58
58th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 67
67th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 68
68th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 64
A video of the author's man stopping by a certain ruin with his friends while driving. While the contributors are exploring the ruins, you can hear a loud noise from the upper floor. After that, I went up to the upper floor, and when I entered a room, I found a doll wearing charred clothes falling in the room. After that, things in the room float in the air by themselves and fall ....

Honto ni Atta! Noroi No Video 76
A video taken by a man of the author at an Indian water wheel facility installed in a river when he traveled to Hokkaido. A large number of salmon are swimming through the glass. When the poster was reflecting the camera close to the glass and reflected in the water, something like a human head drifted in it and approaching the glass surface ...

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 69
69th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video: Special Edition
A special edition entry in the "Honto Ni Atta. Noroi No Video" series.

Honto ni Atta! Noroi No Video 80
80th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video" series. The top monopoly in the psychic horror documentary. Can you directly see the truth projected by the camera? " A video of a woman who posted "A Strangerant Girl" when she went to the lake with her mother more than 20 years ago. Eight other posted videos are included.

Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video 103
The 103rd installment of the fan's long-awaited series, a psychic document that collects scary videos of horror by general posts!

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 55
55th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 41
The milestone of the psychic documentary series, which collects psychic images from general posts: "Classical ballet", "Alone hide-and-seek", "Spirit", "Big Woman", "American Friend", "Series Surveillance Camera Afterimage Spirit", "Birth Celebration", "Pantomime".

Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 42
42th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.