Movies by Helen Dunbar

The Virtue of Rags
A grouchy landlord discharges a kind-hearted rent collector for failing to collect the rent from an impoverished widow. After dreaming that he himself is experiencing the sordid experiences of being destitute, the old man sees the error of his ways and becomes suddenly charitable.

Stranded in Paris
American shop-girl Julie McFadden, wins a free passage to Paris; en route she meets Robert Van Wye, who has to kiss her when she loses a sack race. In Paris, Julie finds her proposed residence destroyed, and while waiting for Bob her purse is snatched; in the ensuing chase she gets lost and enters a dressmaker shop, where the two owners are in dire need of an English-speaking girl to deliver some gowns. Accidentally she is given free entry to the apartment of Countess Pasada and is shown to her rooms; the count is in his pajamas when she eme...

The Silent Voice
Franklyn Starr, a talented and wealthy young musician, suffers a double misfortune in the sudden loss of his hearing and in the death of his Mother to whom he is deeply attached. He loses his generous, joyous nature and transforms into a gloomy and despondent misanthrope.

All Wrong
Salesman Warren Kent develops the idea of "The Unending Courtship" and manages to convince his new wife Betty of his theory, which entails their living separately and only meeting on Wednesday evenings, as they did while they were engaged. Warren's boss, however, who was never enamored of the idea, fires him when he bungles an account and loses the company a large order. On top of that, through a series of misunderstandings Warren comes to believe that his wife is pregnant and his mother-in-law believes that Warren is having an affair with B...

The Fable of the Husband Who Showed Up and Did His Duty
Mrs. Clymer has great social aspirations, and every time she gave a party her husband was in the habit of going to the Hash House for his sinkers and coffee. One night she panned him to a whisper for not showing up at one of her shindigs, so he promised to be on hand for the next one. Sometime later Mrs. Clymer railed the hens one afternoon for a musical. Hubby happened home early, so nothing would do but he must get gussied up and entertain the ladies. There was one young grass widow present who looked mighty good to hubby. His wife had tol...
Cyclone Higgins, D.D.
Anson Campbell returns from the seminary to a small village on the New England coast. When the puritanical villagers persecute Bess Morgan, a "fallen" woman, he sticks up for her, telling them that their form of "Christianity" isn't Christian at all. This has no effect on the bigoted villagers and they turn their anger on him. Complications ensue.

The Iron Heel
An old man plots to have his enemy's son convicted of his own murder.
Fires of Faith
The story of the Salvation Army, told through the tale of two men and two women who serve in the First World War.
The Fable of One Samaritan Who Got Paralysis of the Helping Hand
Once there was an old man called Jonah Crabb, who believed in doing good. Every morning the bunco artists would watch for him on the street corners, and after they had told their hard-luck stories, he would dish out coin to them. When he arrived his office he was almost swamped with panhandlers and bums. Finally he tried his hand at fixing up a lovers' quarrel and put his foot in it. Billy Speedwell, the man in the case, got hold of the old boy and just knocked the spots off him for butting into his affairs. From that time on, Mr. Crabb chan...

Fighting Through
Maryland Warren is kidnapped by a group of Yaqui Indians, and taken across the border to Mexico. In rescuing her, Robert Carr proves both his bravery and his loyalty to the United States.