Movies by John Hamilton

The Kid
Jimmy Albright is a young athlete with a passion for boxing. His mentor, Harry Sloan, an aging trainer and former boxer, sees Jimmy's potential, not only as a boxer but as a young man. With Harry's guidance, Jimmy trains and fights his way to the top of his division. All things appear to be on track, except for one small twist: Jimmy's parents, Don and Doreen, don't know he's a boxer...

Perpetrators of the Crime
Seriously strapped for cash, three college roommates decide to solve their financial woes by kidnapping the daughter of a wealthy businessman. But the rookie criminals make a huge mistake when they accidentally grab the wrong girl (Tori Spelling). What started out as a simple plan turns into a big mess as the friends struggle to keep up with their hostage's demands. Sean Devine, Danny Strong and Mark Burgess star in this comedy.