Movies by Yuichi Fukuda

Once Upon a Crime
While at the royal ball with Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Can she solve the case before midnight strikes?

In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, a young samurai finds work however he can.

To battle a malicious monster, five women are gathered in front of Commander Charles against their will. The five women are selected because they each have a family name that represents a color. The five women are filled with doubts about what they are able to do collectively, but they go up against the monster using their lethal technique "Women Tornado". The five women can only use the "Women Tornado" when they are all gathered together.

HK: Forbidden Super Hero
High school student Kyosuke Shikijo is the most talented member of the school's martial arts of the fist club. His late father was detective and Kyosuke share his father's strong sense of justice. Kyosuke also has a secret. Kyosuke likes to wear female underwear and transforms himself into the alter ego "Hentai Kamen," wearing female underwear and gaining superhuman powers. This unusual interest also comes from his parents, with his father a masochist and his mother a sadist. By chance, Kyosuke gets the underwear of female high school studen...

HK: Hentai Kamen 2 - Abnormal Crisis
News about the disappearance of panties is still being covered every day. Kyosuke still wears Aiko Completo's panties to battle evil. Meanwhile, Aiko has mixed emotions and decides to get her panties back. Kyosuke suffers from the loss of Aiko's panties and disappears, but his biggest enemy yet is about to materialise.

Gintama 2: Rules are Made to Be Broken
The Yorozuya gang returns to protect the country's shogun when the Shinsengumi police force finds itself in a crisis.

Saint Young Men 2nd Century
SAINT☆YOUNG MEN 2nd Century imagines a world where Jesus Christ (Kenichi Matsuyama; Death Note) and Gautama Buddha (Shōta Sometani; Himizu) take a vacation on earth and become roommates in an apartment in Tokyo. When the two attempt to hide their identities and partake in all that modern Japanese society has to offer, including cosplay in the otaku mecca that is Akihabara, hilarious antics are sure to ensue! From shopping for rice cookers to playing the lottery, not to mention an unexpected brush with the law—this film offers a refreshing an...

From Today, It's My Turn!!: The Movie
Taking place after the events of the TV series, Mitsuhashi and Ito face the new enemies.

I'll Give It My All ... Tomorrow
41-year-old Shizuo Daikoku (Shinichi Tsutsumi) suddenly quits his job at a company to become a mangaka. His family and friends become involved in his new pursuit...

Saint Young Men The Movie ~Holy Men vs Demon Army~
There are saints living in Tokyo, Japan: Buddha the Enlightened One, and Jesus, Son of God. After successfully bringing the previous century to a close, the two share an apartment in Tachikawa while enjoying some well-earned time off down on Earth. Buddha pinches pennies like a typical neighborhood housewife, while Jesus is prone to making impulse buys.

Psychic Kusuo
Born a powerful psychic, high schooler Kusuo Saiki craves the simple life. But the weirdos in his class make it difficult to conceal his abilities.

Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
An effervescent musical about one of the most unlikely couples seen on screen: two Otaku intent on hiding their nerdiness from their colleagues!

Rose Color's Buko
Sachiko is an university student. Her nickname is Buko, because she has been negative about everything since she was young. Sachiko believes someday she will meet a man like in a romance manga. Her university life is boring and she spends her time reading romance manga in her room. One day, on Twitter, she meets a man who uses the user ID of Sparrow. He likes reading manga and looks like Johnny Depp. Sachiko makes a date to meet the man. She tries to change herself, but it's not so easy due to various unexpected incidents.

Black Night Parade
Hino Miharu, a dull man who has been working part-time at the convenience store Pawson Nerima Kitaguchi for three years, suddenly kidnapped by a man wearing a black Santa suit, saying, "It's a job offer! I'll be counting on you from today". When he wake up, there is a mysterious company in the North Pole, Santa Claus House. Miharu starts working as a black Santa who distributes presents to children around the world with his colleague with a strong personality, but this company has a secret.

Under Ninja
The once-proud Japanese Ninja disappeared after the war when GHQ disbanded their organization.However, in reality ninjas still exist secretly and it is said that there are 200 thousand of them.And some elite ninjas are secretly operating behind the scenes in national-level struggles.On the other hand, grassroots ninjas often cannot find jobs, and one of them, Yun Yin Jiu Lang, also lives a life similar to that of the NEET generation.However, there is finally a major "endurance" around Ninomaru!