Movies by Cong Zhao

Jurassic Revival
After finding a mysterious ghost island, geologist Zhao Qiming leads a team to investigate the island's secrets. However, none of them survives in the mysterious place. 10 years later, Zhao Qiming's daughter Zhao Xueli is also a great scientist, who never gave up learning the truth about the ghost island and what happened to the scientific expedition team. At the same time, Du Zhe, a wealthy Southeast Asian businessman, wants the legendary meteorite, forcing Zhao Xueli to cooperate with him and form a scientific expedition team to go to the ...

Executioner's Strange Talk
The executioner Xie Qi, who is in charge of the ghost-headed knife, will encounter the ghost of a woman who is back for revenge because he killed the female prisoner during the taboo of three quarters of noon. The people of the town were very angry and blamed Xie Qi for all the inauspicious things that happened. Xie Qi wants to use the old method of stitching up the human head back to its body and subsequently burn it to pacify the female ghost, but unexpectedly the human head was stolen, and the body sewer was killed. The case of the town’s...