Movies by Robert Child

Gettysburg: The Boys in Blue & Gray

Gettysburg: The Boys in Blue & Gray

Lasting two bloody days in July 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg was a fight of epic proportions between the armies of the North and South. In the end, tens of thousands of Americans died in battle in the most extensive war ever to be waged in the United States. Get a first-hand account of what it was like for the soldiers in this faithful re-creation based on a moving letter written by Union Lieutenant Frank A. Haskell to his family.

Gettysburg: Three Days of Destiny

Gettysburg: Three Days of Destiny

This is the epic story of the Battle of Gettysburg presented by the Gettysburg Anniversary Committee and filmed at the massive 140th Gettysburg Battle Reenactment. Additional locations include the White House of the Confederacy, the Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Cashtown Inn. The dramatic story unfolds through both Union and Confederate commanders dispatches, diaries and after-battle reports. The action is nonstop with some of the biggest and most exciting Civil War battle sequences ever filmed. Produced and directed by internationa...