Movies by Hayoun Kwon

Lack of Evidence
In Nigeria, to be a twin can be a blessing or a curse. The father of O is the village chief, a witch doctor who believes in the curse of twins. One day, this witch doctor tried to kill his two sons during a ritual ceremony: O managed to escape but saw his brother being murdered. Having fled across his country, he succeeded, by chance, in leaving Nigeria and going into exile in France.

Pan mun jom
Pan Mun Jom (2013) goes further in the questioning on the fictional dimension of the DMZ (and of demarcations in general) by reducing to colour spots soldiers facing each other from both sides of the border… Who is who? Who is where? Where are we? As the shooting authorizations where cancelled following the 2013 North-Korean crisis, the video simulates the filming with a thermal imaging camera reproducing images at 37°C (98.6°F) – in other words, our body temperature. Hence, the abstraction achieved through scientific imaging (re)places on a...