Movies by Des Bartlett

Predators of the Wild: African Survival
African survival... on the ancient killing grounds of the African savanna, life belongs to the strong, the swift, the cunning. For creatures who are none of the above, death is as close as the nearest shadow, as swift as the beat of a heart. Become an intimate observer of the astonishing drama played out around the African water hole. On the sun-baked outskirts: parched herd animals desperate for the liquid shimmering before them. Between them and the water of life: leopard, lion, hyena and python lie in wait. The climax: a breathtaking disp...

The Lions of Etosha
Nearly 500 lions roam the vast land of Etosha National Park in Namibia, each pride guarding territory, raising young, and feasting on prey. Filmmakers Des and Jen Bartlett spent nearly five years filming the Ombika pride, a family of 19, resulting in this 1 hour documentary. They tracked their special pride of lions to record the rivalries, loyalties, and complex animal relationships. Catch a rare glimpse into the pride system, from family interactions and shared responsibilities to raising cubs and teaching them to hunt. Watch the pride's s...