Movies by Saman Kesh



Without warning, millions of mysterious alien “doors” suddenly appear around the globe. In a rush to determine the reason for their arrival, mankind must work together to understand the purpose of these cosmic anomalies.



A girl who can control everything perpetrates her own rescue by taking control of her boyfriend. Prequel to "Controller" (2013).



A group of strangers are trapped inside a massive labyrinth cube and struggle to find their way out. A reboot of the 1997 film, 'Cube'.

Cinnamon Chasers: Luv Deluxe

Cinnamon Chasers: Luv Deluxe

Multiple life paths they could possibly live. But in each possible path, they are fated to fuck it up.

HIT TV //The Prologue

HIT TV //The Prologue

HIT TV is a love letter to 80's Action-Thrillers. The short takes place in a neon 80's city called Emerald Bay. An illegal TV show has mysteriously appeared every night posting murderous bounties. The organization running the show, highjacks broadcast channels to air a seedy and haunting call-to-action where people are identified for murder and priced accordingly. Happy Hunting, Players…



A short, science-fiction and action film from writer/director Saman Kesh. A girl with the ability to control everything is taken and must rescue herself.