Movies by Ekrem Ergün

Mission: School of Fun
Action fan and prank king Max has a tough time. He attends the most boring school in the world, has trouble following all the rules and, on top of everything else, has the nerdy Frieda as a seatmate. His vibrant, bubbly nature is a thorn in the headmaster’s side – he wants to ensure law and order and numerous bans. It is exactly at the right moment that the inspector of the Boredom Control Authority shows up and an exciting and unforgettable class trip begins!

Hördur - Between the Worlds
After a run in with the Law, Aylin a 17yr old muslim Girl part of the Turkish diaspora in Germany finds herself sentenced to community service at an out of town horse stable. Beset by trouble at home and school, it is here that she, despite all odds is set on the road to self-discovery. As the pace quickens her blossoming relationship with the Stallion Hördur and her fledgling dreams are tested to breaking point. Can Aylin build a bridge between worlds? And if she can will others follow?