Movies by Fabiano de Souza


Supremacia Vermelha
Supremacia Vermelha puts on the big screen a relationship with Grêmio, an opponent against Internacional most likes to play. Some speak of rivalry, but it is an exaggeration. What rival is that who loses in all problems? By the end of 2009, in the centenary of the confrontation, there were 142 victories on the Colorado side - 23 more than blue ones - 540 goals scored against 501 suffered. Not to mention the historic Grenais.

Two Girls Descending the Stairs
Adri is a young woman newly formed arts in college who divides her time between the single friend, employment and therapy. One day she meets Mona, a well-connected architect and money. On the stairs of a building in Porto Alegre, a passion born of two very different people.