Movies by Raymonde Carasco
Tarahumaras 78
This film chronicles a meeting: that of the Tarahumara Indians and a camera that looks at the people that are etymologically called "foot runners." Musical montage: steps rhythms, traditional gestures and postures.
Gradiva: Esquisse I
The movie shows a smattering of images from the story of Wilhelm Jensen's Gradiva. The subject is sublimated desire.
Los Pascoleros - Tarahumaras 85
This film was shot during Easter 1985. It shows the preparation and staging of the Passion in the village of Norogachic, Mexico. The initiation rites of two Pascoleros, filmed for the first time, form the center of this document.
Artaud and the Tarahumaras
This film is a confrontation between the texts Antonin Artaud wrote about the Tarahumaras and the films Raymonde Carasco made with the Tarahumaras (from 1977 to 1994) on the track of Antonin Artaud, in Norogachic, the only place explicitly mentioned by Antonin Artaud.