Movies by Helen Hill
Scratch and Crow
Scratch and Crow is a student film by Helen Hill made at the California Institute of the Arts. It is filled with vivid color and a light sense of humor. It is also a poetic and spiritual homage to animals and the human soul

Madame Winger Makes a Film: A Survival Guide for the 21st Century
Madame Winger wants you to make a film about something you love. She shows you her favorite low budget filmmaking techniques, from cameraless animation to processing your own film in a bathtub. Filmed in 16 mm.

Helen Hill remembers her grandfather just before his death (in part) by a metaphor involving him as a rapidly diminishing mouse.

Ian Brady: 50 Years Behind Bars
As 2015 marks a half a century since the Moors murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment, this documentary examines Ian Brady's 50 years in jail. Among the contributors are prison officers, detectives, relatives of victims, pen pals and inmates who served time with him. They reveal how Brady has shown a psychopathic lack of connection with his crimes. Arrested and charged in 1965, he’s never been considered for parole, nor has he asked to be freed.