Movies by Andreas Hoessli
Wall Street
Underground Messengers
Documentary about three men who from 1942 tried to inform the world public about the "final solution of the Jewish question" through their various connections. The film, which focuses entirely on the faces of the eyewitnesses interviewed, reports on their efforts to bring knowledge of the Holocaust into the world and focuses on the memories of those affected.

The Naked King - 18 Fragments on Revolution
In 1979, a revolution in Iran. In 1980, a revolution in Poland. The fall of the Shah, the “King of Kings,” in Iran. Mass strikes and the foundation of Solidarność (Solidarity) in Poland. What was in the minds of the young women and men who fomented revolution in their own country? What did they think when their revolution was quelled, or – as in Iran – an authoritarian regime was instituted under the name of an “Islamic Republic”?

Devils Don't Dream!
Before his journey into exile Jacobo Arbenz, the overthrown President of Guatemala, is presented to photographers stripped down to his underwear: an image seen around the world. Arbenz had led the successful 1944 revolt against the military dictatorship, a regime that had oppressed Guatemala since colonialism. Arbenz, the son of Swiss immigrants, was celebrated as a national hero. Elected President in 1950, Arbenz was not a member of any party - he didn't issue any manifestos. But he began to fulfill his promises - farmers got their own land...