Movies by Claude André Lalande

The Crazy Jungle
Mr. Dupont, after numerous disappointments in his self-esteem, decides to seek his fortune in Africa. Hired as assistant director in a Prisunic at A.O.I., he begins to sell the plane ticket paid for by his new employer. The boat trip cost him a month's delay and legal proceedings for fraud. Panicked, he decides to flee into the bush where he is sometimes the victim, sometimes the hero of his adventure. Finally, Mr. Dupont, returning to a civilized country, finds himself obliged, in order not to risk prison, to agree to return to the service ...

Il Était... Trois Chansons
Director Claude André Lalande illustrates the theme of three songs in images. We see and hear in turn Roland Gerbeau "Himalaya", Jacqueline François "From Montmartre to the Latin Quarter" and Jean Marco "The Ghost of Aunt Anna". This mini musical is one of the ancestors of music videos.