Movies by Bram Van Paesschen

Empire of Dust
Lao Yang is head of logistics of the group. He is responsible for the equipment, building materials and food (mainly chickens) to arrive in the isolated Chinese prefab camp. The Congolese government was supposed to deliver these things but so far the team hasn't received anything. With Eddy (a Congolese man who speaks Mandarin fluently) as an intermediate, Lao Yang is forced to leave the camp and deal with local Congolese entrepreneurs, because without the construction materials the road works will cease. What follows is an endless, harsh, b...

Smokescreen over Brussels
Was the Brussels Innovation fire (1967) just a dramatic accident or was there more going on? Through exclusive interviews and edited archival material, a conspiracy theory is constructed in which the CIA and some property developers are assigned important roles. Despite the frivolous mysticism, there are many truths in this mockumentary!