Movies by Safaa Fathy
De tout cœur
"De tout cœur", editing by Safaa Fathy,2005 – During Jacques Derrida ’s last years, Safaa Fathy filmed the philosopher ’s public lectures. Safaa Fathy put together three of these original lectures in a film for the FIDMarseille festival. “De tout cœur ” speaks of life and death, the Other and friendship. Derrida was unable to accept the invitation to attend the Writers ’Parliament in Strasbourg, so he sent an “open letter to Palestine ”. Facing the camera,he reads a collage of texts, excerpts from books and correspondence. The second fragmen...
Nom à la mer
In the city of Nijar in Spain, the balsa of Isabel Esteva is a place in the open air where waters are collected to irrigate the land. Safaa Fathy filmed the reflections of the sky on the liquid surface at the pace of one second every half-hour, from morning to evening every day. Time passes and leaves its mark on fixed shots. The voice of Jacques Derrida reads a poem written by Safaa Fathy, translated from the Arabic by Zeinad Zaza and Derrida himself. Between sound and image, interior and exterior, this film invites us to travel in the dens...

Mohammad Saved from the Waters
In her documentary, director Safaa Fathy tells the story of her brother Mohammad, who lived all his life along the banks of the River Nile. The more polluted the water became, the sicker Mohammed got. A chronic kidney disease caused directly by the environment led to his early demise.