Movies by Peter B. Good

Fatal Exposure
The great grandson of the infamous Jack The Ripper is a photographer who murders women in bizarre ways. He photographs them and drinks their blood in order to increase his sexual potency. One day, he meets the girl of his dreams to carry on the family name, but he uses her to lure in more female models to murder and add to his collection. With the body count rising, Erica is unaware of her new boyfriend's hobby, and soon he starts making mistakes.

The Force on Thunder Mountain
Thunder Mountain somewhere in the American wilderness, has a reputation that has scared away travellers, both white and Indian, for hundreds of years. Undaunted by the ghost stories surrounding the mountain, a father decides it's just the place for him and his son to go camping and do a little bonding. Strange voices and stranger footprints around their campground try to warn the pair away, but Dad is unconcerned and blithely pushes on. Eventually, however, the two come face to face with the force standing guard over this forbidden mountain.