Movies by Karin Junger

10 Songs for Charity
Beaten and hardened by life in a Nigerian ghetto, Charity leaves for Europe to work as an illegal prostitute, in pursuit of her dream of becoming rich.
Sexy Money
A Europe film entirely shot in Africa? Listen to the tragic stories of unwilling sex workers who wanted to or had to leave the coldness of Europe. Warm and colourful as only Africa (in this case Nigeria) can be. A sound, committed documentary. As it should be.

Free Space
Under pressure from activist groups, art is increasingly being cancelled for ideological reasons, because of 'cultural appropriation' or because of the desire for a 'safe space'. The colour and gender of the artist seem to be all-determining in this. How do you relate to this as an artist? Is this a disturbing development or a sign of emancipation? And what does it mean for freedom of expression? Director Karin Junger investigates this with Anne-Fay Kops, Ted van Lieshout, Angel-Rose Oedit Doebé, Raymi Sambo, Boris van Berkum, Marian Markelo...

Me Alone in the Classroom
Doing really well on your school assessment tests, but still having the school recommend that you go to preparatory vocational school. Going to a club with friends and having the bouncer keep you out. Having to endure jokes from classmates. These are examples of the sort of casual racism that the children of director Karin Junger and their friends have to face. In Ik alleen in de klas, director Karin Junger, white mother of three darker-skinned children, stands with her family to confront the racism they experience in their daily lives. Twe...
Bolletjes Blues
Spike, an aspiring rapper, gets sucked into a criminal environment and ends up in jail for smuggling drugs.