Movies by Anderson Bellini

Andre Matos: Maestro of Rock
"Maestro do Rock" started when Andre Matos himself authorized recording interviews where he would talk about his life and the different phases of his career. Directed by Anderson Bellini and produced and scripted by Thiago Rahal Mauro, the document had it starting point in a long interview where Andre Matos spoke for over 5 hours about all sort of different subjects. With his sudden passing in 2019, the family yielded this material as well as hundreds of other ones from his personal archives so that this film could be finalized.

Andre Matos - Maestro do Rock - Episódio II
The documentary shows the Maestro's entry into the Santa Marcelina Music College, where he met the friends with whom he would form Angra, and questions asked more than 20 years ago that had never been commented on will be answered. These are relevant statements by Andre himself, Kiko Loureiro and Rafael Bittencourt, who talk about the misunderstanding between them and the consequent departure of the singer from the band. Drummer Marco Antunes, who is speaking publicly about Angra for the first time, tells how things started to fall apart rig...