Movies by Emily Tang
Perfect Life
Perfect Life, the second feature by Emily Tang (Tang Xiaobai), at first revolves around Li Yueying, a young woman in the cold north-east of China. In a world where no one is waiting for an untrained, inexperienced woman, she knows that in order to fulfil her dreams she will have to resort to her own stubbornness and selfishness. Her father deserted her mother and the money saved by the family is destined for her younger brother's studies. When she stops working for a shop making artificial limbs in order to take a job as a chambermaid, she a...
All Apologies
Set in a small village in China's Guangxi Province, tragedy strikes Yonggui, a 38-year-old construction site supervisor. His only son is involved in a traffic accident while riding their neighbor Heman's pedicab and dies. The court orders Heman to pay a large sum of money in compensation, but he too, has suffered serious injuries and can not even pay the hospital fees. Furthermore, Yonggui is shocked to learn his wife, Yun Zhen, had secretly undergone a sterilization procedure. Yonggui demands of the hospitalized Heman, "give me my son back,...
First film directed by Emily Tang.