Movies by Michael Su

Transmorphers: Mech Beasts

Transmorphers: Mech Beasts

20 years after the events of Transmorphers, a newer, more advanced species of alien robot descends on a rebuilt Earth, threatening once again to destroy the planet.

2025 Armageddon

2025 Armageddon

A militant alien race launches an attack on Earth using gigantic creatures and geological disasters all based on those found on The Asylum's Movie Channel signal which reached their planet.

Snow White and the 7 Samurai

Snow White and the 7 Samurai

Left for dead by her rich and powerful stepmother, Snow White is taken in by a team of assassins who train her in their ways of fighting. As her stepmother becomes more and more powerful, Snow White and the samurai take up arms to topple her once and for all.



In a post apocalyptic world run by vampires, only the strong survive. John Shepard, Vampire Hunter, is one of them. John has to track down and eliminate the master vampire before he himself gets turned.

Night of the Tommyknockers

Night of the Tommyknockers

When miners blast for gold in the 1870's, they accidentally release ancient creatures known as Tommyknockers. The Town of Deer Creek, Nevada is soon under siege with only a handful of survivors held up in the local saloon.

The Revolting Dead

The Revolting Dead

When a druid priestess learns that the local funeral home is up to no good, she uses her supernatural powers to get even in this humorous horror tale. For years, the owners of the Tehachapi Flats mortuary have gotten away with reusing coffins and grave robbing, but when they disturb the grave of a druid priest, his powerful sister raises the dead so they can seek revenge against the unscrupulous creeps. Shelley Delayne and Aaron Gaffey star.

Bridge of the Doomed

Bridge of the Doomed

A group of soldiers are ordered to hold a bridge during a zombie outbreak, but what lives underneath the bridge, proves to be even more deadly.

Death Count

Death Count

Strangers awaken in individual holding cells with no memory of how they arrived. They realize if they don't acquire enough online "likes" in a timely manner, they'll die horribly at the hands of a sinister executioner.