Movies by Paul Schuurman

Kees van Amstel: De man die ik niet wilde worden

Emilio Guzman: Doen en Laten
A nice boy. That is-ie. Emilio Guzman. He will not fight. Does not seek conflict. He just wants it to go well with everyone. Everyone does what he can not leave. But unfortunately the world is not like that. Underdevelopment prevails. Tension. Anxiety and aggression determine Doing our affairs. Even late Emilio conduct regular surprise. While he was still a nice guy. And smart. He wants to understand what is going on. And why that's happening. And how it could run out. That hand so Ever chose Leiden Cabaret Festival Audience him the winner ...

Julian Sas - Dedicat10n
DEDICAT10N, the second DVD release of blues-rocker Julian Sas, is the recording of the show that celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Julian Sas band. A band by many considered to be the best live act from the low-lands and beyond. The show took place in the 013 venue in Tilburg, a town in the southern part of the Netherlands. The gig was a sell-out and we feel touched by a lucky star because this, already legendary, show has been recorded for prosperity in vision and audio. Above all DEDICAT10N is about Julian Sas’ dedication to his music...