Movies by Gareth Davies

The Shining Pyramid
When stones begin miraculously arranging themselves on the edge of one young man's private land, he and his friend begin trying to decipher them in any way possible. When they realize that it might be a dark portent, they become desperate to achieve their goal before it is too late.
The Good Time Girls
The oil rigs provide rich pickings for those who work on them, but for wives isolated from husbands affluence is not enough.

Angels Are So Few
This neat, intense drama, labelled “a fable for television”, stars Tom Bell as the scruffy, childlike Michael Biddle, who is invited in from the cold of a suburban street by sexually frustrated, bored housewife Cynthia, played by Christine Hargreaves. He declares that he’s an angel, and Cynthia needs an angel, but in a way Michael fears...