Movies by Wimie Wilhelm

Eva Crutzen: Spiritus
Stage registration of the second comedy special by the Dutch comedian Eva Crutzen. Crutzen tells and sings, accompanied by Jerry Bloem, about her life as a thirty-something, surrounded by other thirty-somethings who desperately hide their mental issues.

Rayen Panday: Fenomeen

De Mooie Dingen: Hommage aan Jurrian van Dongen
TV recording of the hommage to the Dutch lyricist Jurrian van Dongen. Van Dongen wrote countless song lyrics for theater and television. He has been writing for the children's program Het Klokhuis for decades. He also writes for theater programs by Wende Snijders, Jenny Arean, Paul de Leeuw, Alex Klaasen and many others. In addition, he was a teacher at a cabaret academy for a new generation of lyricists.

Rayen Panday: Niet Verder Vertellen

Rayen Panday: Vrijspraak

Fuad Hassen: Remmende Voorsprong
In his third comedy special the Dutch comedian Fuad Hassen talks about how little things can turn out differently than expected, only to change the whole world.

Brigitte Kaandorp: Eh…
Stage registration of the umpteenth comedy special that the Dutch comedian Brigitte Kaandorp played in 2018-2020.

Janneke de Bijl: Zonder zin kan het ook
Video registration of the first comedy special by Dutch comedian Janneke de Bijl. After graduating in philosophy, De Bijl expresses her insight into the meaninglessness of life in her comedy. In her first comedy special she rants about her relationship, her sluggish environment and the whole self-help culture, which she has of course tried out for herself first. Janneke answers questions such as: how do you know whether to close your mails and why running doesn't solve anything?

Richard Groenendijk: Met de Mantel der Liefde
Registration of the ninth theatre program by the Dutch comedian Richard Groenendijk.

Martijn Kardol: Bang
Stage registration of the first comedy special by the Dutch comedian Martijn kardol. Kardol tells about his fears, caused by terrorist attacks, and about being a control freak.