Movies by John Michael Phillips

Gawain and the Green Knight
One Christmas, a knight garbed all in green appears in King Arthur's Court and challenges any knight to hew off his head on the proviso that he be allowed to return the axe stroke afterwards. All of King Arthur's other knights being frightened, Sir Gawain takes up the challenge and hacks off the green knight's head. The green knight then gives Gawain a year to find his home and live a little before the cut is returned.

Swan Lake
The Royal Ballet's 1980 production of Tchaikovsky's classic ballet.

The Tailor of Gloucester
An ill tailor is trying to finish a coat for a wealthy man. He is hindered by his cat and helped by some grateful mice.

Pergolesi: The Brother in Love (La Scala)
Live from La Scala Friday 22 December 1989