Movies by Cosmotropia de Xam
Il Mondo Perduto
Since humanity exists nature gives them what they need: Love, warmth and security. In the modern world of technological progress nature is often misunderstood. A few still feel very dedicated to the love of nature, also Anna (Shivabel) the main character of our story. She meets one day a member of the „Il Mondo Perduto“ cult, which is lead by the seven forces of nature. This encounter enriches her life ; but the situation escalated as they are in search of a victim for the implementation of their plan…
In the life of an average woman it's her husband and the children, who give her love and secureness. They form a family. Often her husband has to travel for business, only for a few days. In these days she feels loneliness and counts the days till he comes back from his far journeys. Everytime the day of his arrival is a please. But this time he hasn't come back. He has been missing for 3 days.

Inferno Veneziano
Scientists vanishing and mutating to Zombies. A door to another dimension. A blind woman who keeps a secret. Mysterious surreal connections that prepare an Inferno for the city of gondolas. Third part of the ANIMA PERSA trilogy (Malacreanza - Il Mondo Perduto - Inferno Veneziano).
Amacabra - The Metempsychosis of Justine S.
In the outer districts of West Berlin something strange is happening. Justine is getting a mysterious device by a person, which is called "The Hairs From The Cross Of Jesus". After her life is in total change. A surreal multi layer narration mindfuck film by Cosmotropia de Xam revisting the original locations of Zulawski's Possession (1981).

The Screen Tests of Cosmotropia de Xam
THE SCREEN TESTS OF COSMOTROPIA DE XAM A collection of 12 screen tests from all over the world, based on a direction sheet of Cosmotropia de Xam. Starring: Elzabeth Hart of Psychic Ills, How I Quit Crack and Aura, Carmen Incarnadine, Shivabel, Black Madeleine, Jenni Hensler, Agnes Pándy, Suzy Poling, Omebi, Sarah Toon and Owleyes, Dania Myers, ∆AIMON
Black Mass of the Brain
The reality, the image of a nightmare from a journey through a burning brain. A Black Mass. Two people. One looks like the other, yet different. A language does not seem to be understood in an old house, which becomes a trap of the Persona Shock. The ritual as a game of a bizarre world?
The Sin as a dream? A dream that is stolen and being controlled? A bizarre Trip between dream and reality. Welcome to the witch house of Gretel F.
Parasites that take over brains. Paranoia and Amnesia controlling the city. A state of emergency. Who is this mysterious person, who controls the parasites and what is her plan? A clockwork of puzzle pieces.

US Radio KRAK reporter Diane Cooper travels to Europe to investigate strange occurrences with people becoming delusional in a small town. After mysterious encounters with a local girl, dreams and reality begin to melt into one.

Malacreanza: From the Diary of a Broken Doll
When Anna awakes one morning at this place without time nothing was as before. She found herself being controlled by a strange force. Controlling her body, her mind and her soul.