Movies by Lisa Hammer

Puss Bucket
Two religious maniacs, Judas (played by Terrence Fleming) and Corned Beef (played by Eric Hammer), are visited by two aliens, Madeline Virbasius and Dion. Virbasius, dressed as the Virgin Mary, tells the two to kill people for Jesus and to drain the puss from their heads and bring it back to them. Fleming and Hammer set out to bring "the Virgin Mary" back as much puss back as possible in a bucket (hence the title)

The Sisters Plotz
A surreal and merry jaunt inside the world of three eccentric sisters: Dada poetess Celestia, manic inventor Ladybug, and dreamy painter Whimsellica. The sisters live in NYC with their darling butler, Reginald, and two scheming maids.
Beauty & The Beast
A brief statement on inner and outer beauty...

Empire of Ache
Illustrator Dame Darcy (Meat Cake) stars as Clara One-Arm, an overwrought young woman who's trapped in her room and tormented by a trio of puppets, a ghost from her past, and a crazed nurse brandishing a monstrous needle. All of this shot like some psychotic's vision of a 20's silent movie, complete with tinted stock, beautifully expressionistic sets, and an appropriately eerie soundtrack by Eric Hammer

Adieux, Dames
An Ophelia-style self portrait of the director.

Not Farewell, Sweet Flesh
Lovers from opposite worlds are forbidden to be together.