Movies by Kuang Hui

The Wolf Girl
Seeking vengeance, a man is directed by a sorcerer to cut his child out of his pregnant wife so he can create a miraculous 'ghost child'. Overhearing this conversation, his wife flees into the forest where she ends up giving birth to twins with the help of a kindly woman living there. Afraid her husband is chasing her, the wife flees further into the forest with just one of her children, but dies when she falls off a cliff after being chased by wolves. The wolves raise the child as one of their own, whilst her twin sister is raised by the ki...

The Prominent Eunuch Chen Ho
Cheng Ho was a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, fleet admiral, and court eunuch during China's early Ming dynasty. This film depicts some of the adventures and battles he had when he explored the southern Asian regions.

Lady Boxer
Fire Concubine takes up Thai boxing to avenge her brother's death. This does not go down well with the local mafia who arrange for a witch to put a deadly curse on her.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Excellent martial arts film depicts the exploits of the legendary Chinese scholar, Sun Tzu, the author of the world renowned book, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu" This film adaptation is filled with great fight scenes and battle stratagems.