Movies by Fedor Kaucký
Mladí dobyvatelé vzduchu
A film about the education of young aviators, which uses the natural interest of the youth in aviation and leads them through modeling circles and motorless flying to flying powered planes.
Hans mezi Petrem a Svenem
Moudrý Engelbert
Historie dirigenta Kaliny
Před premiérou
Lid pečuje o své zdraví
Staré Valašsko
A short film about traditional crafts and culture that can still be found in the Wallachian mountains today.
Nový průmysl
Stříbrná šestka
Vývoj člověka IV.
Náhodné nálezy archeologické
A slide about the importance of accidental archaeological finds for the development of archaeological science and the study of history. The film appeals to farmers and construction workers in particular, urging them to report similar findings immediately.