Movies by Ivan Ladislav Galeta
Water pulu 1869 · 1896
Playing with the recording of a water polo match, Galeta creates a kind of Copernicus twist in the structure and perception of this sports game. The ball still motivates the movements of players, but it is no more a dynamic element, but the fixed center of the image.
An early video work by Ivan Ladislav Galeta that underlines the perceptual presumptions of video-media.
Piramides 1972-1984
Ivan Ladislav hides a true chamber of wonders behind the clear, mathematically abstract structure of his films and videos, meticulously compiled rhythmically frame for frame, each work likewise presenting an analysis of the film medium. Concealed therein, culled from deep in the medium’s prehistory, are hermetic parallel universes in whose number ranges and symbolic spaces, Galeta’s precisely constructed film compositions find a formalist anchor.
Rhytmical Lines
A short experimental film dedicated to Polish artist Wacław Szpakowski (1883–1973).
A piano player is able to perform a Chopin piece backwards and Galeta will film it backwards and forwards creating four different variations of a movement bound to time.
Two Times in One Space
One film projected two times with a difference of a couple of seconds.