Movies by George Ade

Three Boiled Down Fables
#1: The Household Comedian; #2: Why Essie's Friends Got the Fresh Air; #3: The Prevailing Craze.

Two Dinky Little Dramas of a Non-Serious Kind
Two excellent fables in one reel. "The Fable of Another Side-Track an dthe Fatal Album," and "The Fable of the Difference Between Doc and a Physician."
The Fable of the Busy Business Boy and the Droppers-in
The Busy Business Boy lands at his desk like the Early Bird with the intention of tearing off a week or two of correspondence in an hour or so. But the Napoleon of finance reckons not with the Man with the Funny Puzzle, the Fruit Vender, the Insurance Agent with the Flowing Vocabulary, and last, but not least, with Rube.
The Fable of the Coming Champion Who Was Delayed
The coming "champ" decides he is so good he can go around a Dub like a Cooper around a Barrel.

At the End of a Perfect Day
The story opens with an old couple in the evening of life, sitting by the fireside reminiscing the happenings of their younger days. How the young man had left his country home to seek work in the great city, and after many days of wandering had found employment as an office boy in the same office with the young lady. How she had taken an interest in him and before many days had become more than friends.

The Fable of Napoleon and the Bumps
He was too big for this world when a Phrenologist told him he was a modern Napoleon.

The Fable of the Husband Who Showed Up and Did His Duty
Mrs. Clymer has great social aspirations, and every time she gave a party her husband was in the habit of going to the Hash House for his sinkers and coffee. One night she panned him to a whisper for not showing up at one of her shindigs, so he promised to be on hand for the next one. Sometime later Mrs. Clymer railed the hens one afternoon for a musical. Hubby happened home early, so nothing would do but he must get gussied up and entertain the ladies. There was one young grass widow present who looked mighty good to hubby. His wife had tol...

The Fable of the Brash Drummer and the Nectarine
The Fable of the Brash Drummer and the Nectarine
The Fable of One Samaritan Who Got Paralysis of the Helping Hand
Once there was an old man called Jonah Crabb, who believed in doing good. Every morning the bunco artists would watch for him on the street corners, and after they had told their hard-luck stories, he would dish out coin to them. When he arrived his office he was almost swamped with panhandlers and bums. Finally he tried his hand at fixing up a lovers' quarrel and put his foot in it. Billy Speedwell, the man in the case, got hold of the old boy and just knocked the spots off him for butting into his affairs. From that time on, Mr. Crabb chan...