Movies by Stelios Tatasopoulos

Πώς Καταντήσαμε Σωτήρη!..

Πώς Καταντήσαμε Σωτήρη!..

A humble clerk gets his lucky break when a compassionate man offers him a well-paying job. Now, his relatives all want a piece of his salary, as his mother-in-law is telling everyone that he is rich. Is there an easy way out of this mess?

Μήτρος και Μητρούσης στην Αθήνα

Μήτρος και Μητρούσης στην Αθήνα

Two friends from the province dream of going to Athens. On board the train, however, two smugglers are being asked and offered to hire them as waiters in the nightclub as a showcase.

Πως περνούν οι παντρεμένοι

Πως περνούν οι παντρεμένοι