Movies by António Ferreira

Bela America
Lucas, the cook, seduces America, the television star and presidential candidate. He will clandestinely enter her house to seduce her with extraordinary meals, causing the unlikely intersection of the fate of Lucas, the cook, with that of America, the President.

Posfácio at the Clothing Factory
Posfácio works at the factory of Madam Cannon and dates her daughter Claudete. Everything would be going great for Posfácio, if it wasn't for terrorist plans from his work buddies Marques and Mendes.

Humans: Variations of Life
One day, a forgotten box of shoes is discovered in a shelf of the record company. Inside this box, there were tapes containing home made recordings of the famous Portuguese composer - Antonio Variacoes. When one listens to these tapes, where Variações sings in the most pure ways - without any musical background, many times whispering to the recording not to wake up the neighbors - one perceives that this treasure could not remain hidden. The HUMANOS project was born; a "super"-band, composed by "super"-musicians, where the famous Portuguese ...

The Dead Queen
Inspired on the true events of the Portuguese king Don Pedro (14th Century) which unburied his mistress to make her queen after dead. This film tells the story of Pedro, a man admitted to a psychiatric hospital for traveling by car with the corpse of his beloved, recalling simultaneously three different lives: one from the past, another from nowadays and another one from an distopic future.