Movies by Mosha Michael

Natsik Hunting
Mosha Michael made an assured directorial debut with this seven-minute short, a relaxed, narration-free depiction of an Inuk seal hunt. Having participated in a 1974 Super 8 workshop in Frobisher Bay, Michael shot and edited the film himself. His voice can be heard on the appealing guitar-based soundtrack…. Natsik Hunting is believed to be Canada’s first Inuk-directed film. – NFB

The Hunters
This film joins a hunting-party of inhabitants of the Frobisher Bay Correctional Centre. The stalking, killing and skinning of seal and caribou are featured prominently, with explanations as to the importance of these animals to the Inuit way of life.

Whale Hunting (Qilaluganiatut)
Mosha Michael's third film follows six Inuit hunters from Frobisher Bay, N.W.T. setting out on a spring whale hunt. Once again, Michael documents the process on Super 8 film, from pushing the canoes out over the thin spring ice to open water, to the killing and cleaning of the whale and storing the meat. An original score features music and songs in Inuktitut by the filmmaker himself.