Movies by Scott Schirmer

Marty is the ideal fifth grader—he gets good grades, listens to his teachers and doesn't start trouble in class. But a darkness is beginning to fall over Marty's life, the kids at school won't stop picking on him, his parents just don't seem to understand him, and now Marty must grapple with a terrible secret that threatens to destroy life as he knows it—his big brother is a serial killer.

Plank Face
A man is taken captive by a feral family in the deep woods. They are determined to transform him, body and mind, into one of their own -- whether he likes it or not.

Off the Beaten Path
Lewis is a devout Christian who strives to lead a righteous life. Skeet is a militant queer hell-bent on pushing people's buttons. Puff is an eighteen-year old Peter Pan on pot. When their friend Paul tries to end his life, they travel to visit him, embarking on a volatile journey that could bring them together or tear them apart.

The Bad Man
A young couple, Mary and PJ, are kidnapped in their own home by a sadistic clown who wants to break their spirits and sell them into servitude to a cult of wealthy deviants. Mary holds onto her humanity through trial after trial, desperately looking for a way to escape her torment and rescue PJ from his own madness. But time is running out -- and auction day is coming...

Harvest Lake
Five friends fall under the seductive influence of a libidinous, otherworldly presence that threatens to change their lives forever in this strange and erotic new film from director Scott Schirmer and producer Brian K. Williams.